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Did you already review the guidelines for submission ?
No, I didn''t.
Yes, I did. (If you answered yes, please continue reading below) There are many sub-categories within Baked Goods. Please select the one most appropriate to the product.

If the web site is about a bakery that only sells locally, please find the town listed under Regional and submit it there.Such sites will not be reviewed for listing here.

Sites that primarily sell bagels should be submitted to this category. If bagels are just one of the items sold, the listing should be submitted to the next higher category.

Did you already review the guidelines for submission ?
No, I didn''t.
Yes, I did. (If you answered yes, please continue reading below)

If the web site is about a bakery that only sells locally, please find the town listed under Regional and submit it there. Sites that do not ship products across a wide area will not be reviewed for listing here.

Sites that primarily or exclusively sell cookies and/or bars (such as brownies) should be submitted here. If the site sells a variety of baked products, it should be submitted to Shopping: Food: Baked Goods instead.
Flour or grain mixes that require the addition of liquids and are not already baked.
Please only submit websites that exclusively or primarily sell muffins to this category. Sites that sell muffins along with other baked goods should instead be submitted to Shopping/Food/Baked_Goods.
This category is reserved for websites selling baked goods made of organically grown products.

more information (editors only)

Websites that specialize in or only sell should be submitted here.

Sites that sell pies or pastries as a part of many baked goods should be submitted to the more general category of Shopping/Food/Baked_Goods.