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Please take a few minutes to make sure you are suggesting this site to the most appropriate category:

Does your site primarily sell coffee or coffee beans? If so, please submit it here or in an appropriate subcategory.

This category is for sites retailing coffees grown in Australia.
Sites that primarily sell coffee from the Caribbean islands. This includes, but is not limited to, Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic.
If possible, suggest your site to a country-specific category. Sites primarily selling Costa Rican coffee should be submitted under Shopping/Food/Beverages/Coffee_and_Tea/Coffee/Central_American/.

In your description, please briefly include the form(s) of coffe you sell (green, roasted whole, and/or ground), the varieties, and any additional information or resources your site provides.

Coffee from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Belize, Costa Rica, and Panama.
Espresso is a strong coffee made by forcing steam through finely ground coffee beans. It traditionally is served in demitasse cups. A variation is called cappuccino, which is espresso topped with the creamy foam from steamed milk.
For websites that primarily or only sell espresso food products.

Websites that sell machines or equipment for making espresso should be submitted to the Shopping/Home_and_Garden/Kitchen_and_Dining/Appliances/Coffee_Makers category.

Kona coffee beans are prized by many coffee drinkers. The beans are grown in volcanic soil in Hawaii.
For sites that sell primarily Kona and other Hawaiin coffees. In your description, please briefly include the form(s) of coffee you sell (green, roasted whole, and/or ground), the varieties, and any additional information or resources your site provides. If you have a physical storefront in Hawaii, you may also suggest your site to Hawaii
Sites primarily concerned with selling home roasting appliances or green coffee in personal quantities.
Before submitting here, please check to see if your site falls in one of the following categories: