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Reserved for websites that specialize in selling spices and spice related products online to the US, Canada and Internationally.
This category only lists online food shopping Web sites that sell spices and spice related products and where spices are their primary focus and line of business.

Submission Guidelines

  • The title should be the name of your company or organization:
    • Do not type in all CAPS.
    • Do not include a list of keywords.
    • Do not include your products.
    • Do not write a sales pitch.
  • The description should be a brief summary of your organization''s products and services:
    • The description should be in English and in coherent sentence form.
    • Do not include superlatives or a sales pitch.
    • Do not submit your company history.
    • Do not submit a list of keywords.
    • Do not use unnecessary capitalization.
    • Do not use HTML tags.

more information (editors only)

Reserved for websites which sell Saffron online. Sites marketing multiple spices may be listed here as well if they appear to primarily engage in the sale of saffron.
This category lists online food shopping Web sites that sell saffron on-line. These companies must sell nationally in the USA or internationally. Complete Contact information for the company is a must.

Please fill in the Title blank with the name of your company or Web site. No superlatives or other words. Do not submit a Title in all caps.

Please fill in the Description box with an accurate description of your main products. No sales pitches, please. Descriptions should ideally be 25 words or less.