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Sites which offer prices and information about purchasing cosmetics whether online, by mail, telephone or fax.
Submit sites which offer cosmetics for sale, with purchasing information such as prices and descriptions, whether online, by mail, telephone or fax. Please note there may be subcategories which will fit the cosmetic product best. Cosmetics should be the primary focus of the site if other products are offered.

Independent representatives of Avon, Jafra, Mary Kay and similar products, please note that there are links to the category where your sites should be submitted. Any submissions here will be deleted without review.

For sites offering cosmetics for women of color or women with different skin tones. There is a link with Shopping/Ethnic and Regional which may be useful.
Sites which offer cosmetics specifically focused on complexion color or tone.
Cosmetic items for lips such as lipstick, coloring or lip balms
Sites which focus on retail cosmetic items for lips such as lipstick, coloring or lip balms