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Websites selling products to the consumer for care of the mouth and teeth.
This category is ONLY for sites with online sales to the consumer.

Sites providing service and sales to the dental profession should be submitted to Business/Healthcare/Products_and_Services/Dentistry or one of its sub-categories.

Sites about businesses that manufacture consumer dental products, that are not selling online, should be submitted to Business/Industries/Manufacturing/Consumer_Products/Health_and_Beauty. Sites of sellers of AmeriPlan or Oxyfresh are not listed.

Submission to the correct category greatly reduces any delay in listing the website.

Do not submit dental practice sites to this category. Dental practices should be submitted to their proper locality in Regional.

Do not submit dental practice sites to this category. Dental practices should be submitted to their proper locality in Regional. Practice sites submitted here will face a very long delay before they are listed in their proper category.
Please submit shopping sites that offer products related to bad breath or halitosis. This condition is typically caused by bacteria on the tongue.
Independent representatives, distributors, or resellers of Oxyfresh, AmeriPlan, or other multi-level marketing (MLM) systems or pyramids are not listed in the directory. Submissions of sites of this nature will be rejected and flagged for deletion.

This category lists sites selling products or kits that remove stains or lighten the color of teeth.

This category is for sites selling products or kits that remove stains or lighten the color of teeth.

Before suggesting a site, please see the Shopping FAQ, to determine if the site belongs here.

Do not submit dental practice sites to this category. Dental practices should be submitted to their proper locality in Regional. Practice sites submitted here will face a very long delay before they are listed in their proper category.