A hangover is the illness a person feels after drinking too much alcohol. It can range from general malaise to headache, nausea, or vomiting. Extremely excessive drinking can lead to poisoning and death.
Sites here are only those which sell treatments or remedies for those suffering from mild, or to prevent drinkers from getting hangovers.
The Curlie directory does not review products. As long as it is not illegal, it can be listed in the directory.
Sites that sell gifts that encourage recovery through twelve step programs. These might include audio tapes, books, jewelry, stickers, clothing, medallions, key chains, and book marks, to name a few.
Please only submit sites that specialize in selling 12 step recovery gifts. Online jewelry stores that sell "number charms" should be submitted to "Shopping> Jewelry" even though many recovery stores carry them to help celebrate different lengths of sobriety.