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Category listing of jewelry made from platinum, karat gold, or sterling silver with or without gemstones.
You may submit your site to this category if you offer only jewelry made with precious metals. If you also offer watches, fashion or costume jewelry, estate jewelry or jewelry with various themes, please check the categories listed under Shopping/Jewelry and submit to the most appropriate category.
Category listing of retail jewelry sites that primarily sell karat gold jewelry to the general public.

Category strictly for retail jewelry sites that primarily sell karat gold jewelry to the general public.

"Cash for gold" buyers'' sites will be deleted if submitted here. Please submit them instead to Business/Environment/Waste_Management/Recycling/Metal/.

Gold-plated jewelry selling sites should be submitted to: /Shopping/Jewelry/Costume.

Do not submit a site for listing in more than one Shopping/Jewelry category. Duplicate listings and mirror sites will be deleted.

Jewelry sites whose main focus is offering platinum jewelry to the retail market.
Sites that specialize in selling sterling silver jewelry.