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Retail suppliers of costumes, accessories, theatre props, and other such items as are commonly used by reenactors, Faire goers, and others interested in Living History style recreational activities. Suggestions for sites to be listed are encouraged via the "add URL" label at page top - criticism and comments are very welcome at the "editor" active text at page bottom.
Please submit websites which advertise the goods and services of merchants and suppliers of specific Civil War Reenactment related items, which do not qualify for the more general Shopping and Arts-Crafts categories.

Costume suppliers should submit to Shopping: Clothing: Costumes: Historical: American Civil War.

Thank you!

Merchants and suppliers of specific Civil War Reenactment related items which do not qualify for the more general Shopping and Arts-Crafts categories. Suggestions for sites to be listed are encouraged via the "add URL" label at page top - criticism and comments are very welcome at the "editor" active text at page bottom or at any higher level page.
Please submit websites which advertise the goods and services of merchants and suppliers of specific Civil War Reenactment related items, which do not qualify for the more general Shopping and Arts-Crafts categories.

Costume suppliers should submit to Shopping: Clothing: Costumes: Historical: American Civil War.

Thank you!

Merchants and suppliers of products used in mock combat, Medieval mock battles, Live Action Role Playing meets, and similar events and festivals, particularly those vendors supplying modified Medieval style weapons designed for use in simulated battles.
Merchants and vendors who supply weaponry for Living History Reenactments, principally edged weapons such as swords, daggers, and spears. Suggestions for sites to be listed are encouraged via the "add URL" label at page top.