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This category is for sites selling products for the health care and feeding of horses.
Submit shopping sites here selling products involved with general equine healthcare. Sites of a more specialized nature should be submitted to the appropriate subcategory. For example, if your site sells feed and supplements, please submit to that category under Healthcare and Grooming and not here.
Please submit sites here selling products using light therapy.
Listing of companies and individuals whose principal activity is the supply of goods to equine dentists and technicians.
Sites listed here will provide information about supplies and equipment. If the site has a focus on online sales, it should be sent to Shopping/Sports/Equestrian/Healthcare_and_Grooming/ .
This category contains sites offering online sales of hoof and farrier equipment and products.
Sites offering farrier and other hoof care supplies but that do not offer online sales should be submitted to Business: Agriculture_and_Forestry: Livestock: Horses_and_Ponies: Farrier_and_Horseshoeing: Equipment_and_Supplies.
Please submit sites here selling predominantly herbal based feed and supplements.