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People with disabilities - how they live, learn, work, play and travel. Also disability news, studies, information, and statistics.
People with disabilities - how they live, learn, work, play and travel. Also disability news, studies, information, and statistics.

People with disabilities creating arts, or artworks and adaptations for or with people with disabilities.
Information, research, and data about Assistive Technology - devices and services that assist people with disabilities with daily living tasks, communication, education, work, and recreation. What is Assistive Technology?

Assistive or Adaptive Technology (AT) commonly refers to products, devices or equipment, whether acquired commercially, modified or customized, that are used to maintain, increase or improve the functional capacities of individuals with disabilities.

Information, research, and data about Assistive Technology - devices and services that assist people with disabilities with daily living tasks, communication, education, work, and recreation.

Chats, forums, message boards, and bulletin boards about general disability topics.
Chats, forums, message boards, and bulletin boards about general disability topics.
Submit sites to this section that offer information, resources, details of organizations, and support for children with disabilities, their families or carers.
Conferences on general disability themes.
Organized lists of links and other resources about disabilities.
Research on the history, culture, activities, education, and living conditions of people with disabilities.
General information sites about education for people with disabilities.
General sites on the topic of employment for people with disabilities. National-level and international-level organizations serving all disabilities.
Information and resources for families living with a disability.
Humorous sites by and about people with disabilities.
General information, and national and international organizations, concerned with Independent Living. (See FAQ)
Online lifestyle communities for people with disabilities.
Electronic discussion groups on general disability topics whose communications are transmitted over email.
  • Submit sites on email lists for specific disabilities to the appropriate Health/Conditions and Diseases category.
  • Submit sites on email lists for a specific locality to the appropriate Regional category.
Sites for news agencies, radio and television stations, and newspapers and magazines concerned with disabilities.
National and international organizations serving people with general disabilities or a range of disabilities.
Personal web pages of people with disabilities.
NB Please use the most specific category for each site, by checking each of the subcategories and @linked categories listed here.

  • Submit sites about support groups, agencies, or services for a particular city, state, or province to the appropriate Regional category
  • Submit sites that sell adaptive equipment or assistive technology directly to consumers to Shopping: Health: Disabilities
  • Submit commercial sites (manufacturers, distributors, etc.) selling disability-related products or services to the professional healthcare industry to Business: Industries: Healthcare: Products and Services: Disability
  • Submit sites about controversies, issues, advocacy, discrimination, and abuse to Society: Issues: Disabilities
  • Sites about recreation for and by people with disabilities.
    Symlinks to the Disability Resource categories in Regional.
    Do not submit any sites to this category. Submit them to the appropriate Regional categories.
    General information and organizations related to respite care for people with disabilities.
    Service animals are trained to assist people with various disabilities.
    Please submit sites here for service animals OTHER than guide and assistance dogs and hearing dogs. There are separate categories for these dogs.
    Information and resources for the disabled traveler and his/her companions.
    Informational sites about designing homes, businesses and landscapes to be accessible and enjoyable for as many people as possible.