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Halloween is a secular holiday celebrated on October 31st.

However, it is not to be confused with All Saint's Day or with Samhain which can both be found elsewhere in the directory.

Sites especially for children should be submitted to Kids_and_Teens - Halloween.

Sites that sell Halloween merchandise should be submitted to Shopping - Halloween.

You can greatly speed up the review of your site by complying with the following:

Please do not write in all caps, nor capitalize all nouns in descriptions.

Please refrain from using any hype, superlatives, or sales pitches. Any such content will be removed.

Please write descriptions in the third person.

The ODP does not list redirection or vanity urls. Please submit the url of your server.

Submissions for sites under construction will be DELETED.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Please submit your site only ONCE. Multiple pages from the same site will not be listed in this category or its subcategories.

Any site using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or consisting primarily of affiliate links will be deleted and may be permanently banned.

Sites especially for children should be submitted to Kids_and_Teens - Halloween.

This subcategory is for sites which are either aimed at youth or those working with them, such as teachers or parents.
Sites which are aimed at youth should be submitted to Kids and Teens: People and Society: Holidays and Celebrations: Halloween. We have an @link to that part of the directory here.
This category lists sites about dressing up for Halloween. It includes information on costumes and makeup.

Sites that sell Halloween merchandise should be submitted to Shopping/Holidays/Halloween.

Important Notes: Please Read

Submissions for sites under contruction will be DELETED.

NB: Many search engines use Open Directory data, however their update frequencies vary from every few weeks to every few months. Sites submitted in September and October might NOT be listed by them until after Halloween.

No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory. Any site unrelated to Haunted Houses, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, having excessive pop-ups or banner ads, or consisting primarily of affiliate links will be deleted and may be permanently banned.

Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another''s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable will not be included in the index.

Sites that sell Halloween merchandise should be submitted to Shopping/Holidays/Halloween.

Please refrain from typing in all capitals, capitalizing all nouns in descriptions, or using hype, superlatives, or sales pitches. Any such content will be edited out.

The ODP does *not* list redirection or vanity URLs. Please submit the url of your site''s server only.

The editors may reject, delete, or edit submissions at our sole editorial discretion, before or after inclusion.

This category is for sites describing, or providing ideas, instructions, and hints for decorations and props that can be used for the Halloween season.

Important Notes: Please Read

Submissions for sites under contruction will be DELETED.

NB: Many search engines use Open Directory data, however their update frequencies vary from every few weeks to every few months. Sites submitted in September and October might NOT be listed by them until after Halloween.

Commercial sites selling props and decorations will NOT be listed. They should be sent to the appropriate Shopping category.

No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory. Any site unrelated to Halloween decorations, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, having excessive pop-ups or banner ads, or consisting primarily of affiliate links will be deleted and may be permanently banned.

Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another''s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable will not be included in the index.

The ODP does *not* list redirection or vanity URLs. Please submit the url of your site''s server only.

Please refrain from typing in all capitals, capitalizing all nouns in descriptions, or using hype, superlatives, or sales pitches. Any such content will be edited out.

The editors may reject, delete, or edit submissions at our sole editorial discretion, before or after inclusion.

This category will contain things to do and see which relate to Halloween, things which can be done at home, such as watching videos, listening to or singing music, or playing games.
Please submit sites about events one can attend to Halloween/Events.

Sites about Haunted Attractions should be submitted somewhere within Haunted Houses.

Please submit to the most specific category possible.

This category is for events, whether they be one time events or annual events. It can include one day events and seasonal events.

Sites about haunted house attractions should be submitted to Haunted_Houses/Commercial_Attractions.

Important Notes: Please Read

Submissions for sites under contruction will be DELETED.

NB: Many search engines use Open Directory data, however their update frequencies vary from every few weeks to every few months. Sites submitted in September and October might NOT be listed by them until after Halloween.

No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory. Any site unrelated to Halloween events, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, having excessive pop-ups or banner ads, or consisting primarily of affiliate links will be deleted and may be permanently banned.

Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another''s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable will not be included in the index.

Sites that sell Halloween merchandise should be submitted to Shopping/Holidays/Halloween.

Please refrain from typing in all capitals, capitalizing all nouns in descriptions, or using hype, superlatives, or sales pitches. Any such content will be edited out.

The ODP does *not* list redirection or vanity URLs. Please submit the url of your site''s server only.

The editors may reject, delete, or edit submissions at our sole editorial discretion, before or after inclusion.

Graphics as used here refers to artwork to be used on the computer. This category is for graphics that may be used by others for free.

Sites must be in English. For other languages, please submit under the appropriate World category.

Important Notes: Please Read

Submissions for sites under contruction will be DELETED.

NB: Many search engines use Open Directory data, however their update frequencies vary from every few weeks to every few months. Sites submitted in September and October might NOT be listed by them until after Halloween.

No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory. Any site unrelated to Halloween graphics, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, having excessive pop-ups or banner ads, or consisting primarily of affiliate links will be deleted and may be permanently banned.

Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another''s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable will not be included in the index.

Sites that sell Halloween merchandise should be submitted to Shopping/Holidays/Halloween.

Please refrain from typing in all capitals, capitalizing all nouns in descriptions, or using hype, superlatives, or sales pitches. Any such content will be edited out.

The ODP does *not* list redirection or vanity URLs. Please submit the url of your site''s server only.

The editors may reject, delete, or edit submissions at our sole editorial discretion, before or after inclusion.

Sites listed here are about Halloween attractions. They are not really haunted. They may be virtual haunted houses, sites about how to make your own haunted house, or directories of haunted house type attractions.

Places which are actually haunted would be listed in a different category, such as Society: Paranormal: Ghosts: Places and Hauntings.

Please submit only sites of general interest about Halloween haunts here. Sites which advertise a specific commercial haunted attraction should be listed under Commercial Attractions.

Please write descriptions in the third person.

Thank you for your cooperation.

This subcategory is designed to group pages which tell of Halloween's origin and development.

Halloween has been influenced by the Celts, pagans, Catholics, and other religious and ethnic groups. Only pages which give a general history, without condemning any religion or group will be classed here.

Accounts of the history of Halloween which rely on religious writings, doctrines, or beliefs; or which defend one religion against another will be found under Halloween: Religious Views.

Important Notes: Please Read

This category is only for websites giving a general and objective history of Halloween. Religious rants, condemnations, and tirades will not be listed here.

Submissions for sites under contruction will be DELETED.

NB: Many search engines use Open Directory data, however their update frequencies vary from every few weeks to every few months. Sites submitted in September and October might NOT be listed by them until after Halloween.

No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory. Any site unrelated to Halloween history, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, having excessive pop-ups or banner ads, or consisting primarily of affiliate links will be deleted and may be permanently banned.

Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another''s privacy, hateful, or religiously, racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable will not be included in the index.

Sites that sell Halloween merchandise should be submitted to Shopping/Holidays/Halloween.

Please refrain from typing in all capitals, capitalizing all nouns in descriptions, or using hype, superlatives, or sales pitches. Any such content will be edited out.

The ODP does *not* list redirection or vanity URLs. Please submit the url of your site''s server only.

The editors may reject, delete, or edit submissions at our sole editorial discretion, before or after inclusion.

This category is for stories and poems with a Halloween theme. It is not for literature about Halloween and its history and origins.

It is for fiction.

Sites must be in English and non-commercial.

Important Notes: Please Read

Submissions for sites under contruction will be DELETED.

NB: Many search engines use Open Directory data, however their update frequencies vary from every few weeks to every few months. Sites submitted in September and October might NOT be listed by them until after Halloween.

No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory. Any site unrelated to Halloween literature, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, having excessive pop-ups or banner ads, or consisting primarily of affiliate links will be deleted and may be permanently banned.

Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another''s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable will not be included in the index.

Sites that sell Halloween merchandise should be submitted to Shopping/Holidays/Halloween.

Please refrain from typing in all capitals, capitalizing all nouns in descriptions, or using hype, superlatives, or sales pitches. Any such content will be edited out.

The ODP does *not* list redirection or vanity URLs. Please submit the url of your site''s server only.

The editors may reject, delete, or edit submissions at our sole editorial discretion, before or after inclusion.

Opinions, thoughts and views about the holiday and its celebration, pro or con, humorous or serious.
Important Notes - Please Read:

No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory. Any site still under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, consisting primarily of affiliate links to products, or advocating violence, hatred, or intolerance will be deleted and may be permanently banned.

Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another''s privacy, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable will not be included in the index.

The editors may reject, delete, or edit submissions at our sole editorial discretion, before or after inclusion.

This category is for personal Halloween home pages - pages about an individual or group and their interests.

Please do not submit personal home pages from sites which are mostly about other topics. There are many other places to submit home pages within the directory.

Sites in this category must be in English. Non-English sites should be submitted to the appropriate category in World.

Important Notes: Please Read

NB: Many search engines use Open Directory data, however their update frequencies vary from every few weeks to every few months. Sites submitted in September and October might NOT be listed by them until after Halloween.

Submissions for sites under construction, as well as pop-up minefields and banner ad farms will be DELETED.

Please do not submit personal home pages from sites which are mostly about other topics. There are many other places to submit home pages within the directory.

Please submit your site only ONCE. Multiple pages from the same site will not be listed in this category or its sub-categories.

Sites that sell Halloween merchandise should be submitted to Shopping/Holidays/Halloween.

Sites especially for children should be submitted to Kids_and_Teens/.../Halloween.

The ODP does *not* list redirection or vanity URLs. Please submit the url of your site''s server only.

Please refrain from typing in all capitals, capitalizing all nouns in descriptions, or using hype, superlatives, or sales pitches. Any such content will be edited out.

No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory. Any site submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or consisting primarily of affiliate links to products will be deleted and may be permanently banned.

The editors may reject, delete, or edit submissions at our sole editorial discretion, before or after inclusion.

This site is about pumpkins and their relation to and use on Halloween.

Please do not submit sites for selling products here.

Sites must be in English. For other languages, please submit under the appropriate World category.

Important Notes: Please Read

Submissions for sites under contruction will be DELETED.

NB: Many search engines use Open Directory data, however their update frequencies vary from every few weeks to every few months. Sites submitted in September and October might NOT be listed by them until after Halloween.

No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory. Any site unrelated to Halloween pumpkins, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, having excessive pop-ups or banner ads, or consisting primarily of affiliate links will be deleted and may be permanently banned.

Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another''s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable will not be included in the index.

Sites that sell Halloween merchandise should be submitted to Shopping/Holidays/Halloween.

Please refrain from typing in all capitals, capitalizing all nouns in descriptions, or using hype, superlatives, or sales pitches. Any such content will be edited out.

The ODP does *not* list redirection or vanity URLs. Please submit the url of your site''s server only.

The editors may reject, delete, or edit submissions at our sole editorial discretion, before or after inclusion.

This category contains information for both adults and children for safety at Halloween. It includes advice for trick-or-treaters, for those handing out treats, and Halloween fire safety.

Please do not submit sites that are selling products in this category.

Sites must be in English. For other languages, please submit under the appropriate World category.

Important Notes: Please Read

Submissions for sites under contruction will be DELETED.

NB: Many search engines use Open Directory data, however their update frequencies vary from every few weeks to every few months. Sites submitted in September and October might NOT be listed by them until after Halloween.

No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory. Any site unrelated to Halloween safety, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, having excessive pop-ups or banner ads, or consisting primarily of affiliate links will be deleted and may be permanently banned.

Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another''s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable will not be included in the index.

Sites that sell Halloween merchandise should be submitted to Shopping/Holidays/Halloween.

Please refrain from typing in all capitals, capitalizing all nouns in descriptions, or using hype, superlatives, or sales pitches. Any such content will be edited out.

The ODP does *not* list redirection or vanity URLs. Please submit the url of your site''s server only.

The editors may reject, delete, or edit submissions at our sole editorial discretion, before or after inclusion.

This category is for sites dealing with sounds and sound effects for Halloween, including offering downloads, editing and creating your own unique Halloween sounds.

Please do not submit sites selling products in this category.

Sites must be in English. For other languages, please submit under the appropriate World category.

Important Notes: Please Read

Submissions for sites under contruction will be DELETED.

NB: Many search engines use Open Directory data, however their update frequencies vary from every few weeks to every few months. Sites submitted in September and October might NOT be listed by them until after Halloween.

No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory. Any site unrelated to Halloween sounds, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, having excessive pop-ups or banner ads, or consisting primarily of affiliate links will be deleted and may be permanently banned.

Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another''s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable will not be included in the index.

Sites that sell Halloween merchandise should be submitted to Shopping/Holidays/Halloween.

Please refrain from typing in all capitals, capitalizing all nouns in descriptions, or using hype, superlatives, or sales pitches. Any such content will be edited out.

The ODP does *not* list redirection or vanity URLs. Please submit the url of your site''s server only.

The editors may reject, delete, or edit submissions at our sole editorial discretion, before or after inclusion.