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This category contains information for both adults and children for safety at Halloween. It includes advice for trick-or-treaters, for those handing out treats, and Halloween fire safety.

Please do not submit sites that are selling products in this category.

Sites must be in English. For other languages, please submit under the appropriate World category.

Important Notes: Please Read

Submissions for sites under contruction will be DELETED.

NB: Many search engines use Open Directory data, however their update frequencies vary from every few weeks to every few months. Sites submitted in September and October might NOT be listed by them until after Halloween.

No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory. Any site unrelated to Halloween safety, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, having excessive pop-ups or banner ads, or consisting primarily of affiliate links will be deleted and may be permanently banned.

Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another''s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable will not be included in the index.

Sites that sell Halloween merchandise should be submitted to Shopping/Holidays/Halloween.

Please refrain from typing in all capitals, capitalizing all nouns in descriptions, or using hype, superlatives, or sales pitches. Any such content will be edited out.

The ODP does *not* list redirection or vanity URLs. Please submit the url of your site''s server only.

The editors may reject, delete, or edit submissions at our sole editorial discretion, before or after inclusion.