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This category contains sites dealing with abortion issues. The terms "pro-life" and "pro-choice" are used for subcategories because that is how each group refers to itself. They are defined as follows: Pro-Choice: Believing that abortion is a right and should be legal under most or all circumstances. Usually implies a belief that the human fetus has no rights, or greatly abridged ones. Pro-Life: Believing that abortion is a violation of the rights of the pre-born child. Usually implies a belief that abortion should be illegal under most or all circumstances. In addition, there are some relatively neutral sites which are not placed in either category.
Please pick the most appropriate subcategory where possible. ODP does discriminate based on an individual''s or organization''s creed. However, sites directly advocating violence will not be listed.
This category lists sites reflecting a pro-choice perspective, i.e., generally supporting access to human abortion in most or all circumstances. Subcategory of "Organizations" is designated for institutional entities. Subcategory of "Products and Services" is designated for sites primarily offering pro-choice merchandise and information services (does not include abortion services). ODP may not discriminate based on a site's creed. However, sites directly advocating violence lose their First Amendment protections and should not be listed.
This category lists sites reflecting the pro-life perspective, i.e., opposed to human abortion generally or completely. Subcategory of "Organizations" designates sites primarily institutional in nature. Subcategory of "International" designates sites originating outside of the United States. Subcategory of "Webrings" designates the central administrator for the members of a particular coalition of pro-life sites. ODP may not discriminate based on a pro-life organization's creed. Therefore, we will not designate subcategories based on the religious nature or other creed of the organization. However, organizations directly advocating violence lose their First Amendment protections and should not be listed.
General issues information, and positions on all sides of the issues, regarding RU 486 (mifepristone) and other nonsurgical abortion procedures.