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Societal issues related to the punishment of crime (prison management, prison reform, capital punishment) and the prevention and prosecution of crime. Listings related to particular types of crime generally belong in other categories.
Note that this category is not for lawyer advertising.

Websites and articles concerning capital punishment, execution, the death penalty, et cetera.
Groups actively involved in correcting judicial miscarriages of justices, along with studies of cases where individuals have been released from prison as a result of new evidence in their case, including DNA tests exonerating a convicted person.
Please submit sites into suitable geographical subcategory.
This category is for sites dealing with current issues of debate related to juvenile justice.

Please read the Open Directory Project submission guidelines before submitting a URL. The ODP is selective about listing sites, and may edit descriptions of sites listed. Note that this category is not for lawyer advertising.

Allegations about police corruption, or mistreatement of suspects, or excessive violence, are all examples of the general topic of Police Misconduct.