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This category is for stand-alone websites that advocate for end-of-life choice (a.k.a. the "right to die," "euthanasia," and "physician assisted dying").
Sites of ORGANIZATIONS that advocate for end-of-life choice should be submitted to Society: Issues: End-of-Life: Euthanasia: Pro-Euthanasia: Organizations.

Sites about INDIVIDUALS who advocate for end-of-life choice should be submitted to Society: Issues: End-of-Life: Right to Die: People.

Legislative measures that would legalize hastened dying.
This category lists organizations that advocate for the right to die. Some groups support only physician assisted dying for competent, terminally ill individuals, while others seek to legalize hastened dying for those who are chronically or mentally (but not necessarily terminally) ill.
Sites about INDIVIDUALS who support the right to die should be submitted to Society: Issues: End-of-Life: Right to Die: People.

Non-advocacy (neutral) sites about the right to die should be submitted to Society: Issues: End-of-Life: Euthanasia.

This category contains personal sites created by euthanasia advocates.