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Aside from the relatively popular secession movements of the South, Hawaii, and Texas, there are people in several other places in the US who wish to secede.
Only sites dealing with Southern secession or States'' Rights past or present, including the those dealing with historical secession, reasons for secession, events leading to secession, or possible secession in the future.

Sites dealing with the Confederacy, should be submitted to Society/History/By_Region/North_America/United_States/Wars/Civil_War/Confederacy for inclusion in that portion of the ODP.

Sites relating to the movement for Hawaiian independence from the United States.
Sites relating to the movement for Puerto Rican independence from the United States.
Sites on the creation of an independent Texan republic.
Sites dealing with issues brought about by secessionism and States' Rights, both past and present, and how these issuse relate to the South today.
Only sites dealing with Southern secession or States'' Rights past or present, including the those dealing with historical secession, reasons for secession, events leading to secession, or possible secession in the future.

Sites dealing with the Confederacy, should be submitted to Society/History/By_Region/North_America/United_States/Wars/Civil_War/Confederacy for inclusion in that portion of the ODP.