Abuse of our Elderly can be in the form of Physical Abuse, Financial Abuse, Neglect, Self-Neglect, Psychological/Emotional Abuse, and/or Abandonment. This category of the directory is for information about any of these instances of Elder Abuse.
Private lawyers and lawfirms are not listed in this category and the site should be submitted to the proper subcategory under Society: Law: Services: Lawyers and Law Firms.
Organizations and groups dedicated to the prevention of elder abuse and the creation of needed resources.
Private lawyers and lawfirms are not listed in this category and the site should be submitted to the proper subcategory under Society: Law: Services: Lawyers and Law Firms.
Web pages dedicated to the prevention, investigation and prosecution of financial abuse of the elderly.
Although financial abuse is often mixed with other types of elder abuse, it is a specialized field.
Topics can include fiduciary abuse, specialized scams against seniors, specialized units focused on elder financial abuse and innovative projects focused on this subject.
This category covers scientific research on all aspects of elder abuse from a variety of professions and areas of expertise.
The category also includes multidisciplinary efforts supporting investigation and prosecution of elder abuse or criminal neglect.