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This category is a resource for law-related websites, including law firms, legal information, primary legal materials, paralegal services, legal publications and technology, expert witnesses, litigation consultants, and other legal service providers.
Sites for national, state, provincial, and other local courts should be submitted to the proper location within Regional.
Conferences relating to the law, primarily for legal professionals.
This category is for sites about international courts or the principles behind courts in general.
Sites for national, state, provincial, and other local courts should be submitted to the proper location within Regional.
Please submit only English-language sites for Law School home pages. Sites relating to legal research should properly be located in Society: Law: Legal Information or Society: Law: Legal_Information: Resources.
Please submit Internet sites offering legal recruiting services to this category.

The title should be the company''s name.

The description should include information regarding the scope of operation: types of employees sought (e.g., attorneys, legal assistants, legal administrators), and regional, national, or international reach of operation.

This category is intended to reflect links to bona-fide law enforcement agencies or links to sites whose primary purpose is to offer support or services to law enforcement agencies. Private security type agencies and services should be submitted to the appropriate category under Business/Industries/Security/.
Please review current listings for proper submission text examples.
This category lists law libraries throughout the world. Although many law libraries are affiliated with universities (i.e. George Mason University), some of these useful institutions are public (i.e. Los Angeles County Law Library). Since many of the law libraries are affiliated with universities, you will find a link to the parent law school. Many of the law library web sites are connected to a DRA or TAOS system that allows the user to search for publications in a traditional card catalog fashion.
The primary purpose of sites included in this category is the provision of legal information to the public and to legal practitioners at no cost. Sites will only be included if they offer significant amounts of free information on their websites. Providers of commercial products and services should only submit to this category if their websites offer significant free content. [Note: If you are looking for an attorney rather than legal information, you should look under the category Society: Law: Attorneys and Law Firms.] If you cannot find the information that you need in Society: Law: Legal Information, you may find it in the Society: Law: Reference category, which is a repository for sites that contain official legal reference materials.

Read This Before Submitting Your Site

This category is not intended for law firm sites, but is instead intended for providers of free legal information. Those few law firm sites which qualify for inclusion offer a substantial amount of free information on their websites.

Legal organizations, such as bar associations, associations of lawyers and other legal professionals engaged in a specific practice area of law. Generally, organizations in this category offer professional support, networking, education and membership to other legal professionals as opposed to providing legal services directly to the public.

Read This Before Submitting Your Site

Please submit only legal organizations web sites to this category. If appropriate, please submit to the most appropriate sub-category. Sites for law firms and lawyers will NOT be listed in this category, but should be submitted to the most appropriate sub-category in Society/Law/Attorneys_and_Law_Firms/. Non-English language sites should be submitted to the most appropriate subcategory within World/, as only English language sites can be listed here.

Thank you!

This category is intended solely as a repository for sites that contain official legal reference materials, and any form of legal advertising or commercial promotion is unwelcome in this category.

If you are an attorney and are looking for a forum to market your services to consumers who are in need of legal advice, please submit your site to Society: Law: Attorneys and Law Firms or one of the subcategories therein. You may also submit to one Business and Economy: Legal Services category in Regional.

Consultants and service providers, providing services to legal professionals.
Please submit sites to their correct location and category.