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This category lists organizations and chapters concerned with animal welfare and the humane treatment of animals.
Following these guidelines will allow us to add your site to the directory as quickly as possible.
  • Find the single most appropriate category for your site.
  • Submit your site using your main url.
  • Use the site''s actual title.
  • Create a brief description, under 25 words, listing the current content of your site (not the future content).
  • Do not use 1st or 2nd person verbiage (I, we, our, us, you, your).
  • Do not use marketing verbiage (We''re the best!, All that you need, Check it Out!).
Sites which are gateways or splash pages to affiliate sites will not be added.

Rescues and Shelters must be submitted to the appropriate Rescues and Shelters subcategory.

Rescue and shelter organizations are involved in protecting, saving, rehabilitating and providing safe shelter for animals.
This category lists organizations that run rescue facilities or animal shelters. If the shelter/rescue facility only deals with specific animals, please submit to a sub-category.

Similarly, if the shelter/rescue serves a specific area, please submit to the appropriate Regional subcategory.

Following these guidelines will allow us to add your site to the directory as quickly as possible.

  • Submit the main URL of the site.
  • Use the site''s actual title.
  • Create a brief description, under 25 words, listing the current content of your site (not the future content).
  • Do not use 1st or 2nd person verbiage (I, we, our, us, you, your).
  • Do not use marketing verbiage (We''re the best!, All that you need, Check it Out!).
  • Sites which are gateways or splash pages to affiliate sites will not be added.