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Only sites dealing with KKY and/or TBS on a nationwide scale should be submitted here.

Primarily District-level sites should be sent to the appropriate district, and individual chapter sites should be submitted in the appropriate category under their District.

National chemistry fraternity.
Alpha Kappa Psi is an international co-ed professional business fraternity. It is chartered at more than 300 colleges and universities within the United States, Canada and United Kingdom.
Please submit only general sites about the overall Fraternity to this category. Chapters and colonies of an Alumni & Undergraduate nature should submit their chapter/colony websites under the appropriate Regional subcategory i.e. Mideast region.
Professional Dental fraternity, co-ed.
Sorority for women in engineering and technical studies.
Architecture fraternity.
Co-ed nursing fraternity.
Co-ed agriculture fraternity.
Professional music fraternity.
Fraternity for men and women pursuing careers in business.
Law fraternity
Eta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated is a national Business and Professional Women's Organization. It was organized in 1942, in Detroit Michigan, by eleven business women who had attended Lewis Business College. The initial purposes of the Sorority were to help female high school graduates by awarding scholarships; to provide assistance to programs designed to help mentally handicapped citizens; and develop closer fellowship among business and professional women. The first Shad Club of Eta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, was organized in 1949 in Detroit, Michigan. The Grand Chapter of Eta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated was established in Detroit, Michigan in 1954. The Sorority's National project is mentally handicapped children. The Sorority contributes to the United Negro College Fund (UNCF), NAACP, Urban League, March of Dimes, United Way Drive, YW & YMCA, Boys & Girls Scouts of America, National Council of Negro Women (NCNW), and other worthwhile civic projects. The aims of the Sorority are to have enough wisdom to think in the right channels with enough perception to see an opportunity, enough judgment to apprise it, and enough energy to embrace and make use of it.
Professional fraternity for Risk Management, Insurance and Actuarial Science majors.
Business sorority.
A national business and professional sorority established for the education and empowerment of Black women in 1929.
Education fraternity
Pharmacy fraternity.
Performing arts co-ed fraternity.
Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma are a National Honorary Band Service fraternity and sorority dedicated to furthering the cause of band music in the nation's colleges and universities. The two groups work jointly to assist University Band directors in developing the leadership and enthusiasm that the require in their bands. Although local conditions vary, the groups generally provide some or all of the following services:
  • scholarships to band members,
  • fundraisers for band equipment,
  • promoting the status of university bands within the student government,
  • organizing social events for local band members,
  • providing all manner of logistical assistance during band performances and rehearsals, and
  • facilitating communication among band members between different colleges and universities
Nationally, the groups fund the National Intercollegiate Band and National Intercollegiate Marching Band. The groups also commission band works, and lobby to further the cause of band music. Kappa Kappa Psi Fraternity and Tau Beta Sigma Sorority were both founded at Oklahoma State University, in 1919 and 1946, respectively. Their national headquarters are located in Stillwater, OK at Stillwater Station, a converted Sante Fe Railway Depot.
Only sites dealing with KKY and/or TBS on a nationwide scale should be submitted here.

Primarily District-level sites should be sent to the appropriate district, and individual chapter sites should be submitted in the appropriate category under their District.

more information (editors only)

Pharmacy fraternity.
Music fraternity.
Veterinary fraternity.
Sorority for creative and performing arts.
Co-ed business fraternity
Medical fraternity
A professional organization of teachers dedicated to the task of training youth of America to cope satisfactorily and effectively with today's problems.
Law fraternity
Medical fraternity.
Co-ed honor society.
Marketing fraternity.
Pharmacy fraternity.
Law fraternity.
National theatre fraternity.
Fraternity for Communication arts and sciences.