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This is the place for websites about Ghosts.

Please make sure your website has SOME content. The purpose of this directory is to provide research to the end user.

E-mail lists and web forums devoted to Ghosts and Hauntings. Especially places where people may submit personal stories and experiences for others.
Contains web sites which focus mainly on Ghosts, hauntings, and spirits.
This category contains web sites which are devoted to Ghosts, hauntings, and spirits. If your web site consists of a broader spectrum of paranormal content, then please submit it to: Society/Paranormal/Directories Thank you.
Stories of supernatural encounters are to be found here. Are they true? We don't know. Some say they are, some say they aren't.
Sites should have stories which are easy to read and follow. Gross misspellings and grammatical errors make stories difficult to read and enjoy. Therefore, sites with these will not be accepted.
Collections of photographs with ghosts and hauntings.
Collections of photographs with ghosts and hauntings.
Personal accounts or collections of ghosts, hauntings and related information.