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Relating to lesbians, gay women, bisexuals, dykes, and womyn.
Submissions to this category should be websites offering information for same sex loving females.
Information on and for women in butch/femme relationships.
Submissions to this category should deal with butch/femme relationships of women.
Discussion through chat rooms and message boards.
Submissions to this category should be chat rooms and forums for same sex loving women discussion.
Conferences held for women attendance, for the discussion of GLBT and women issues.
Submissions to this category should be sites offering information on conferences for women attendance.
Informative resources on family and relations.
Submissions to this category should be sites containing information or services for women partnerships on issues of family, relations, and marriage.
Sites relating to physical and mental health, disabilities and diseases which affect women.
Submissions to this category should pertain to health issues that affect same sex loving women. Websites which deal with health issues affect the gay community as a whole should be submitted to Society: Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual: Health and Wellness
Internet mailing list resources for the worldwide community of lesbians.
Submissions to this category should be sites offering information on a mailing list of interest to lesbians.
Magazines, ezines, and other media featuring content directed towards lesbians.
Submissions to this category should be information for lesbians.
Associations and groups working for the support and needs of lesbians.
Submissions to this category should be groups for lesbians only.
Personal websites about lesbians.
Sites with adult content which is not of an educational, informative, or artistic nature are not permitted, but should be sent to the /Adult/ category.
Sites related to race and ethnicity.
Submissions to this category should be websites offering information and communication for lesbians of a particular ethnicity.
Groups of women that meet for socializing and support.
Submissions to this category should be women only groups offering support to its members.