My Account
This category is for Home Pages whose owners' names begin with I.

Still having problems on where to submit your site? Take a look at the Family Websites FAQ

We list web sites by the first letter of your family name (the first letter of your handle/screen name can be used if you need to remain anonymous).

Only "I" personal home pages belong here.

Should be the actual URL of your site - no redirects (such as: "" and "").

The Title
Should start with your name, handle or screen name
Should not not be in all caps
Should not include a list of keywords

The Description
Should be in English and in sentence form
Should be a maximum of 30 words
Should describe the website
Should not be a list of keywords
Should not use all caps
Should not include HTML tags

Your site will be reviewed by an editor who will determine whether it belongs in the category you submitted it to.

Note: The Open Directory Project''s goal is to provide visitors with high quality web sites, not necessarily a high quantity. If your web site does not meet our basic standards it will not be entered into the directory.

Still having problems on where to submit your site? Take a look at the Family Websites FAQ