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Domestic Violence is a major cause of injury and death for women in the United States and worldwide. This category includes information on domestic violence research, community resources, law enforcement protocols, domestic violence and family court, effects of domestic violence on children, substance abuse and domestic violence, safety planning for victims, and shelter organizations.
Please submit sites providing information on domestic violence as it affects women. Information on domestic violence as it impacts men can be submitted to: Society/People/Men/Issues/Violence_and_Abuse. Information on domestic violence as a whole family issue may be submitted to: Society/Issues/Violence_and_Abuse/Family_Violence. Information submitted to this category may include research, agencies providing services, societal impacts of domestic violence, and other site of general interest under this category.

Please check subcategories to see whether your submission should fall under a subcategory such as "Agencies," "Shelters," or "Medical Aspects."

This category is for sites about organizations which seek to help women who are the victims of domestic violence.
Collection of bibliographical resources on domestic violence.
Restricted to bibliographical resources on the topic of domestic violence.
This category will highlight professional development opportunities, specialized training, and public awareness events such as the Clothesline Project, Silent Witness.
Please submit items of general interest to domestic violence/sexual assault professionals, survivors, law enforcement, legal practitioners, medical practitioners, etc.. Commercial notices will not be placed in this category. If you are a business offering services, please submit to a business category in Open Directory.
Murder, usually committed by males against female members of their family, who are supposed to have brought "dishonor upon the family."

Other euphemisms may be used to describe the act, for example "crime of passion" in Europe and North America, or "dowry death" in South Asia.

We will consider listing informational sites about the phenomenon of "honor killing" and similar crimes; sites whose intention is to attack one religious tradition or another should not be submitted here.
Regional networks are specialized entities that link shelter agencies and other service providers. They are information providers across county and city boundaries and are the agencies usually involved in lobbying other entities to provide services, make laws, and hold the criminal justice system accountable.
This is a subcategory which lists domestic violence shelters which hopefully provide 24-hour crisis counseling, legal advocacy, and other services ordinarily provided by domestic violence agencies in local communities.