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Grant Making Foundations for education may provide grants for:
  • people pursuing education other than undergraduate or post-graduate higher ed
  • support of educational institutions
  • development of educational programs
Scholarships, grants, fellowships, and other funding for individuals for higher education (undergraduate and post-graduate) should be submitted under Reference/Education/Colleges_and_Universities/Financial_Aid.

Foundations which only support a local school or school district should be submitted under Regional, to the locality where the school or district is located.
"When the late Senator J. William Fulbright sponsored legislation establishing the prestigious Fulbright Program, which was signed into law by President Truman on August 1, 1946, he saw a world devastated by war and awed by its newly acquired atomic power. Remembering his own overseas experience as a Rhodes Scholar, the young Senator reasoned that people and nations had to learn to think globally if the world was to avoid annihilation. He believed that if large numbers of people lived and studied in other countries, "they might develop a capacity for empathy, a distaste for killing other men, and an inclination for peace."

"In more than 50 years, the Fulbright Program has enabled nearly a quarter of a million people from the United States and 140 other countries to live and study in another country. ...

"What is most unique about this program is that it has established a global system of binational exchanges, each between the United States and a partner nation. There are over 50 Binational Commissions ... administering the Fulbright Program around the world."
Sites for commissions, specific programs, and alumni groups may also be submitted under the Education subcategory of their country in Regional. Multilingual sites may also be submitted to the corresponding categories in World.

There is no need to repeat general information about the Fulbright program in your description. Please include the country (if it is not clear from the title) and the type of organization (such as commission or alumni group), as well as a brief listing of the contents of the site.

Cecil Rhodes' will created a scholarship trust for students, primarily from former English colonies, to study at Oxford University. Over 7,000 scholars have been selected since the trust was established in 1902. Rhodes directed that the selection of scholars should be based on academic ability; sporting activity; qualities of personal rectitude, strength and compassion; and sense of the public good. The Trust continues to respect the spirit of these definitions, as identified within a contemporary context.
Suggest sites such as national nominating bodies, alumni associations, and personal pages focused on the Rhodes scholar experience.

There is no need to repeat general information about the Rhodes Scholars program in the descripion.

more information (editors only)