Popular metaphysics, as is usually dealt with in religiously-oriented sites, theology, and New Age philosophies are better suited for categories in Religion and Spirituality. This includes psychic readings, ancient Egyptian religion, crystals, UFOs, and alien abductions, the I Ching, etc.
Your site should be submitted to a sub-category in Religion_and_Spirituality, or Religion_and_Spirituality/People/Spiritual_Personalities if your subject is primarily a religious figure.
Analytical philosophy is the school of philosophy which ascribes most importance to the philosophy of language, and it is in analytical philosophy that the so-called `linguistic turn' took place: this is the idea that long standing controversies in philosophy about the nature of the world and of knowledge can be settled by attention to the use of the relevant concepts in language. But even outside analytical philosophy, philosophy of language is important: linguistic issues take centre stage in the philosophical hermeneutics of Heidegger and Gadamer and in Derrida's Deconstruction, in phenomenology issues about privacy best formulated in linguistic terms are of crucial importance, whilst in cognitive science the debate about the nature of concepts revolves about matters of content that originated in the philosophy of language.
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