Title: [Name of the University]
Description: [Name of the Department] - [City, Country] - [Degrees offered by the Department, and other notable information.]
Submit links to the "front" or "entry" page to the official department website, and avoid multiple links per institution unless the departments or programs are explicitly separate. Link to the native language version of the site if it contains an obvious link to the English version.
Title: [Name of the University]
Description: [Name of the Department] - [City, Country] - [Degrees offered by the Department, and other notable information.]
Submit links to the "front" or "entry" page to the official department website, and avoid multiple links per institution unless the departments or programs are explicitly separate. Link to the native language version of the site if it contains an obvious link to the English version.
Title: [Name of the University]
Description: [Name of the Department] - [City, Province] - [Degrees offered by the Department, and other notable information.]
Submit links to the "front" or "entry" page to the official department website, and avoid multiple links per institution unless the departments or programs are explicitly separate. Link to the native language version of the site if it contains an obvious link to the English version.
Title: [Name of the University]
Description: [Name of the Department] - [City or Region, Country] - [Degrees offered by the Department, and other notable information.]
Submit links to the "front" or "entry" page to the official department website, and avoid multiple links per institution unless the departments or programs are explicitly separate (for example, Australian National University''s Philosophy Program in the Research School of Social Sciences and in the School of Humanities).