Description: past and present philosophy in India.
Sites in this category should either serve as general resource sites for Indian philosophy, or seek to answer the question of what Indian philosophy is.
As a rule, sites should be listed in regional/national categories of Philosophy only if that is the only plausible place to list them. Sites which pertain to a specific Indian thinker should be sent to Philosophers, and sites which pertain to a specific movement should be sent to the appropriate category. Double listing should be reserved for exceptional resources.
Indian Theory of knowlegde, presentationism and representationism, pramana-vada, truth and validity (pramanya).
Sites that are dealing with Indian epistemology should be listed here, for instance, sites or resources on the instruments of cognition from a general point of view.
Categories (tattvas) and their different classifications in Indian philosophy.
Sites that are dealing with Indian categoriology should be listed here, for instance, sites or resources on the comprehension of Time in the history of Indian philosophy. If the site is dedicated to the Time representations in one particular school only, then it should be listed under that particular school.