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Major philosophical trends in the 19th century include post-Kantian German idealism (Hegel, Fichte, et al.), Positivism, and American Pragmatism.
Description: Links to the categories of Transcendentalist thinkers.
British Idealism, a movement strongly influenced by Hegelian and Kantian thought, was the United Kingdom's dominant philosophical movement for much of the 19th century.


1) The ethical doctrine that morality has its foundations in self-interest. (the ethical belief that self-interest is the just and proper motive for all human conduct)

Not to be confused with egotism, any system of ethics supporting the maxim that we ought to look out for number one is egoism. Now this isn't as bad as it sounds, especially when you consider the alternative: altruism, or as egoists call it, slavery. They would point out that whenever one does something he would prefer to do instead of working in the soup kitchen, one is being an egoist. Explore this counter-intutive system of morals by clicking on the sites in this category and, as egoists would agree, know thyself.

The Idealist movement arose in German thought in the late 18th century with Kant's writings and the reaction to them. It went on to dominate much of 19th century thought in the German- and English-speaking worlds.
Philosophers who worked principally in the 19th century.
An American intellectual movement of the late 19th century, composed primarily of Prussian emigres who coalesced around the St. Louis Philosophical Society. Fused Hegelian and Transcendentalist ideas into a philosophy of education which remains influential, primarily through its influence on John Dewey.