From the short bio at Duke University:
Alasdair MacIntyre [Emeritus after 1999-2000] has taught at several universities in England before emigrating in 1970. Since then he has taught at Brandeis University, Boston University, Wellesley College, Vanderbilt University and the University of Notre Dame. In 1989 he was a Luce Visiting Scholar at the Whitney Humanities Center of Yale University. His books include: A Short History of Ethics, After Virtue. Whose Justice? Which Rationality? and Three Rival Versions of Moral Enquiry. His central interests are in the history of ethics, and more especially in the moral philosophies of Aristotle and Aquinas, and in the nature of practical rationality. He is a past President of the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association.
His work has been very influential in ethics, and the recent revival of interest in virtue theory owes a lot to him.