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General weddings sites, e-zines and non-regional online or print directories and guides.
This is not a category for wedding venues or services. If you submit a site for a venue or service in this category, you may delay your listing.

Do not submit

  • Reception halls or venues
  • Churches, parks, or wedding venues
  • Gift registries
  • Bands, DJs, or other entertainers
  • Formal wear vendors
  • Photographers or portrait artists
  • Caterers
  • Limousines, horse-drawn carriages, or any other transportation
  • Any other site which is not a directory, portal, or guide which links to or provides information about a wide variety of wedding resources
Browse to the most specific category in which your site belongs and submit there. If the site has a regional focus, also consider submitting it to the most specific category under the Regional branch.
Guides, portals, and online directories of services for planning weddings in Australia.
Please only submit sites, portals and guides related to planning weddings in Australia.

Sites providing wedding services or products should not be submitted to this category. Submitting such sites to this category will only prolong the time it would take to get listed.

Guides and online directories of services for planning weddings in Canada.
Please only submit guides and online directories of services for planning weddings in Canada. Sites relating to specific provinces and territories of Canada should be submitted to the appropriate sub-category, if one exists. Otherwise, submit such sites to this category.
Guides, portals, and online directories of services for planning weddings in the United States.
This is not a category for wedding venues or services. If you submit a site for a venue or service in this category, you will delay your listing by a factor of months.

Do not submit

  • Reception halls or venues
  • Churches, parks, or wedding venues
  • Gift registries
  • Bands, DJs, or other entertainers
  • Formalwear vendors
  • Caterers
  • Limousines, horse-drawn carriages, or any other transportation
  • Any other site which is not a directory, portal, or guide which links to or provides information about a wide variety of wedding resources
Browse to the most specific category in which your site belongs and submit there. If the site has a regional focus, also consider submitting it to the most specific category under the Regional branch.