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The diverse schools based on the teachings of the Japanese Buddhist Sage, Nichiren.
All sites exclusively dealing with Nichiren, his teachings, or derived sects may be submitted here.

Such sects include (but are not limited to): Nichiren Shu, Nichiren Shoshu, Soka Gakkai, Honmon Butsuryu Shu, Nipponzan Myohoji, Kempon Hokke Shu, and Rissho Kosei Kai.

Please also note that these romanizations of these sect names are often subjectively spelled.

Religious supplies (butsugu, butsudans, incense, bells, etc...) and services (custom built butsudans) for the schools based on the teachings of Nichiren.
This category exists specifically for companies and groups that provide supplies and services specifically tailored to Nichiren Buddhists of various denominations. Sites offering a wider range of goods and services should be submitted to this category instead: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Buddhism: Products and Services
The people and teachers involved in Nichiren Buddhism include a diverse group whose origins date back to the 1200's. Nichiren himself appointed six priests to carry the faith forward after him. This category cites biographies of Nichiren, as well as those of major personalities of the various sects of Nichiren Buddhism.
Please submit only English biographies of major personalities having significant impact on Nichiren Buddhism. These may include sites pertaining to the leaders of sects whose origins relate to Nichiren.
Historical perspectives and scholarly studies of Nichiren Buddhism and its derivative forms.
Please submit only those sites that detail historical information, academic or scholarly studies, or detailed works focused on Nichiren Buddhism.

more information (editors only)

The teachings of the Honmon Butsuryu Shu are based on the Lotus Sutra and Saint Nichiren. Honmon Butsuryu Shu is referred to as Nichiren related religious sect, but historically, it is a sect founded by saint Nissen (Nagamatsu Seifu) in the latter part of the Edo period (1857). He started the Honmon Butsuryuko to salvage lay followers in the latter part of the Edo period through the early part of the Meiji Era. Therefore, Saint Nissen is also referred to as Saint Kaido; the founder and the great leader. Honmon Butsuryu Shu has about 500 temples throughout Japan, and enthusiastically performs missionary activities. There are also temples overseas, in such places as Brazil, the United States, South Korea, and Taiwan. The goals of the Honmon Butsuryu Shu include prayers for happy and quiet lives for followers and contributions to the social welfare. Followers also perform Bodhisattva practice under a slogan of "For the world, for the people". This category serves as a repository of sites by temples, groups, and individuals, in support of the activities of the Honmon Butsuryu Shu.
Nichiren Buddhist sites that are from the Honmon Butsuryu Shu perspective.
Upholding the "Succession Through the Scrolls of the Sutra" and, in the spirit of Nichiren as direct teacher, the "Hokekyo of the Master of Teachings (Lord Shakya) and the Letters of Nichiren Shonin", just as they are without substitution is the function of the Kempon Hokke Shu. Taking as its aim the establishment of the Country of the Buddha (the Precept Platform of the Original Doctrine), the Kempon Hokke strives to form a "Land of Peace" without illness, poverty or strife by means of faith in the Hokekyo, through the realization of the right doctrine of "Establishing Orthodoxy to Make the Country Peaceful" (Rissho ankoku). The founder, the Orthodox Teacher (shoshi) Nichiju, who took the Sutra text and Nichiren's Letters as absolute and proclaimed the "Succession Through the Scrolls of the Sutra" (kyogan sojo), who spread the teaching with the cry, "I adhere directly to Nichiren Daishonin", would be pleased with our direction. Our Kempon Hokke Sect has had no special tradition since the Orthodox Teacher Nichiju. The teachings of Nichiren Shonin himself is its doctrine. This category serves as a guide to Kempon Hokke sites that uphold these teachings and goals.
Please submit only those sites pertaining to the Kempon Hokke Sect of Nichiren Buddhism.
Based at the Head Temple Taiseki-ji, Nichiren Shoshu has more than 700 temples throughout Japan, with additional temples in the United States of America, Brazil, Spain, Ghana and the Republic of China (Taiwan). Each Nichiren Shoshu temple is solemnly endowed with the Three Treasures of True Buddhism - the Buddha, the Law and the Priesthood, and has transmitted the teachings of the True Law and Teachings from the time of Nichiren Daishonin. This category provides temple, group, and individual sites that expound and serve the mission of the Nichiren Shoshu.
Sites pertaining to the Nichiren Shoshu and its affiliates should be submitted to this category.
The Nichiren Shu is a Buddhist Order founded by Nichiren Shonin, who espoused the doctrine that the Lotus Sutra represents the embodiment of the genuine teachings of the founder of Buddhism, Sakyamuni Buddha. Teaching that Nichiren Shonin was the messenger of the Buddha who has guided mankind in cultivating its innate Buddha nature, and that he established a way of life consonant with the eternal truths preached by the Buddha, the Nichiren Shu vows to engender peace within its adherents and throughout the world by disseminating the teachings of the Lotus Sutra. This category provides temple, group, and individual sites that expound upon and serve the mission of the Nichiren Shu.
Sites pertaining to the Nichiren Shoshu and its affiliates should be submitted to this category.
Namu Myoho Renge Kyo. "I devote myself to the Wonderful Law of the Lotus-Flower Sutra." This simple message was uttered by Nichidatsu Fuji for the better part of a century. Born in Japan in 1885, he became a modern-day Votary of the Lotus Sutra, the likes of whom had not been seen for centuries. In the last decades of his life, he focused his energies on promoting world peace by conducting or sponsoring extended peace marches chanting the Odaimoku of Nichiren, "Namu Myoho Renge Kyo," and by constructing great white Peace Pagodas throughout the world. Some 50 of these "peace pagodas" were built (hence the English name). This category exists for those sites that are affiliated with the peace pagoda movement and espouse the views of this school of Nichiren Buddhism.
Please submit only English Nipponzan Myohoji (Peace Pagoda) affiliated sites. Personal sites detailing spiritual experiences are also welcome.
The Soka Gakkai International (SGI) is a worldwide association of Buddhist Lay Believers with members in over 140 countries and territories. The breadth and focus of its mission derive from the philosophy and practice of Buddhism as taught by Nichiren in 13th Century Japan. Rooted in the life-affirming philosophy of Buddhism, members of SGI share a profound commitment to the values of peace, culture, and education. This category exists for sites affiliated with or espousing the views of the Soka Gakkai.
Please submit only English language sites dealing with the Soka Gakkai International.
Weblogs (or Blogs) by Nichiren practitioners or about Nichiren Buddhism.