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The Apostolic Christian Church consists of several sub-denomination, the two largest being the "Apostolic Christian Church of America" with about 90 congregations and 12,000 members in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Japan; and the "Apostolic Christian Church (Nazarean)" with about 50 congregations and 5,000 members in the United States and South America. The Apostolic Christian church was founded in the 1830's by Samuel Froehlich in Switzerland, and its biblical understandings were shaped in a large part by other Anabaptist groups.
We welcome submissions of any links. However, please note that this denomination is not the Pentocostal Apostolic denomination. For those submissions please go to:
Anabaptism is the term used to describe religious groups such as Mennonites and Brethren in Christ, who are known for their adherence to the teachings of Jesus as set forth in the Sermon on the Mount in the New Testament, including pacifism. This category is a portal into resources for and about Anabaptism.
There are many denominations using the word Brethren. This sub-category is specifically for Brethren with Anabaptist background. This would include Church of the Brethren, Grace Brethren, Brethren in Christ, The Brethren Church, Old German Baptist Brethren, River Brethren, and a few other very small denominations.
We welcome any submissions. Please be sure it relates to one of the denominations listed in the Category Description.
A Christian communal movement founded in 1922 by Eberhard Arnold, a German scholar and theologian, the Bruderhof Communities have spread to England, the United States, and Australia. The Bruderhof Communities are rooted in Anabaptist and early Christian traditions, committed to nonviolence, justice, and fellowship, based on Christ's 'Sermon on the Mount'.
This category only accepts sites sponsored by, complimentary to, or neutrally descriptive of the Bruderhof Communities. For sites with contrasting opinions, please submit to Opposing_Views/Christianity.
This category is for websites that explore and/or examine the Hutterian faith. The Hutterian faith is where a group of people give up their individual lives and live together in a society of their peers both spiritually as well as work together to earn their living. Most Hutterite colonies are in North America but there are some all over the world, including one in Japan.
There is some controversy about the Bruderhof and in recent years the Hutterian faith has also split into two groups. This category is not for websites that are anti-hutterite or that attempt to criticize a certain segment of the Hutterian faith. Such websites should be submitted to Religion_and_Spirituality/Opposing_Views/Christianity.

Websites for this category if not pro-hutterite should at least be neutral.

Mennonites trace their beginnings to 1525, during the time of the Reformation in Northern Europe. Their name is derived from an early leader, a Dutch priest named Menno Simons. Mennonites opposed state-sponsored religion and re-baptized those who had previously been baptized as infants, resulting in severe persecution. Today Mennonites are known as followers of Jesus who are largely pacifists, although there has been an increase in membership from those of other groups. Mennonites emphasize the importance of Scripture as the guide for living, a sense of community within the church, service and peacemaking. The Mennonite church has become more global in recent decades, but the denomination in the United States is aging, much like other denominations. There is a fairly wide social and theological variety among Mennonite churches, including quite conservative congregations and those that are more progressive.
Websites of congregations within Mennonite denominations or groups. Sites should be particularly Mennonite, and not including other peace churches, such as Quaker or Brethren.