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Please only apply for this category, if your site reports about the Church of the Nazarene in Germany, but is in English language! If your site is in German, please apply in World: Deutsch: Gesellschaft: Religion und Spiritualität: Christentum: Glaubensrichtungen: Kirche des Nazareners !!
Nazarene congregations in Bermuda.
Churches of the Nazarene in Canada
The Church of the Nazarene is also present in Germany. English sites, that report about the work of the Church of the Nazarene fit into this category.
Please only apply for this category, if your site reports about the Church of the Nazarene in Germany, but is in English language! If your site is in German, please apply in World: Deutsch: Gesellschaft: Religion und Spiritualität: Christentum: Glaubensrichtungen: Kirche des Nazareners !!
Churches of the Nazarene in the UK
Please submit only sites of local churches here--not districts, not organizations, not ministries.

Your local church should be listed in Regional/ as well as in Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christianity. Please go to Regional: North America: United States: Alabama: Localities. Choose the letter which is the first letter of your town. You want to end up with a category that looks like this: Regional/North_America/United_States/Alabama/Localities/[Y]/[Your_Town]. If there is a Society and Culture subcategory, this is where you should submit your site; otherwise submit to the main city/town category.