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A gathering into a congregation for worship, fellowship and outreach is the basic formal structure in most Lutheran denominations.
This is the place where we list Lutheran Congregations.

Denominations - With ODP Category
Where a Synodical sub-category is shown on the Congregations page the site of a congregation/church of that Synod is to be listed in its respective category.

Denominations - Without ODP Category
For churches and congregations that do not have a seperate synodical sub-category in the ODP they should be listed directly in "Congregations" with the synod noted in the description.

Independent congregations
Sites of independent churches or churches where the denomination is not indicated are listed in the sub-category "Independent".
The congregations and churches of the American Association of Lutheran Churches
CLC Churches and congregations.
sites about individual congregations and churches in the Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS). This Synod is in fellowship with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.
submit sites about individual congregations and churches in the ELS.
Lutheran Congregations without denominational affiliation.
Congregations that do not have a synodical affiliation or belong to an association of congregations or for which the affiliation or association is not evident.
Laestadian Lutheran Churches
Congregations and local churches of the Lutheran Missouri Synod.
Suggest your site in the appropriate country or state category. Note that local church sites suggested for this category may also be suggested in the Regional category for the locality where the church is located.
Concerns the individual churches and congregations of the Lutheran Church of Australia.
Submit sites by or about individual churches and congregations, or their affiliated organizations where not covered by other categories.
Sites dealing with individual congregations and churches affiliated to the Lutheran Church of New Zealand
Local congregations associated with Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ.
Congregations affiliated with the North American Lutheran Church.