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This category is a directory of councils, agencies, networks, local congregations, and other affiliated networks/groups of the Uniting Church in Australia.

Please only submit links about for agencies, councils, local congregations, and other affiliated networks/groups of the Uniting Church in Australia.

This category is for Official Agencies and Commissions of the Uniting Church National Assembly and Uniting Church Synods that cover a broad range of responsibility that do not allow a simple classification.
This category is for Uniting Church camping and conference centres that are available for use by the church and the community.
Some local congregations establish local community programs that employ professional counselling, socal and community development workers. Some of these community centres may be affiliated within the UnitingCare network but are essentially local.
This category is for organisations and community group that the Uniting Church has provided 'seed' money or 'venture' capital to help enhance the welfare or wellbeing of the local community. Often this is referred to as 'social capital'. The organisations may or may not be formally affiliated with the Uniting Church. Some of these ventures may be operated on a commercial basis.
Congregations of the Uniting Church in Australia. The Uniting Church's Basis of Union states... The Congregation is the embodiment in one place of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, worshiping, witnessing and serving as a fellowship of the Spirit in Christ. Its members meet regularly to hear God's Word, to celebrate the sacraments, to build one another up in love, to share in the wider responsibilities of the Church, and to serve the world. The congregation will recognise the need for a diversity of agencies for the better ordering of its life in such matters as education, administration and finance. (b) The Elders' or Leaders' Meeting (the council within a congregation or group of congregations) consists of the minister and those who are called to share with the minister in oversight. It is responsible for building up the congregation in faith and love, sustaining its members in hope, and leading them into a fuller participation in Christ's mission in the world. Within the context of this category a Uniting Church congregation also include: - Parish Missions. - Linked Congregations or Mission areas/zones that share common resources in a region. - Faith Communities that identify with the UCA and are formally recognised as being affiliated within the life of the UCA. Organisations that have a distinct identity that are a ministry activity or mission agency of local congregations should not be included in this category.

Please only submit websites of congregations or faith communities that are affiliated with the Uniting Church in Australia.

Remember this is not a marketing excercise it is a listing to help people find information about your congregation - its mission and activities.

We use the following listing format:
Name - Location. Description of website.

Please use the format to help describe your website.

Name: The full name of the congregation. Please don''t use an abbreviation here. If there is an abbreviated version of the name put it in the description.

Location/Region: The location could be the city, suburb, or regional identification eg. Sydney (city), North Rocks (suburb), Riverina (region).

This category is for agencies of the Uniting Church (and other affiliated organisations) whose primary focus is the delivery of finance and/or property related management services on behalf of the church.
While it is clear there is a definite relationship between mission and finance agencies whose role is to either develop and/or nurture sources of mission finance should be placed in a category Mission Development and Planning.
The functions of agencies that would normally be included in this category include: management of finances (trusts,funds,banking), property services (development, maintenance).
This category is for Uniting Church agencies that provide services for the formation of people to be in ministry within the life of the Uniting Church in Australia (and beyond).
These may include: Theological Colleges, Bible Colleges, Mission Exposure Programs, Retreat Programs, Seminar and Training events.
Lifeline was founded by the Sydney's Wesley Mission (a part of the Uniting Church) in 1963. Since then Lifeline has been established in 14 countries around the world. In Australia 42 Lifeline Centres receive over 400,000 calls each year.
This category is for websites of groups that are associated or affiliated with a congregation. These groups generally gather regularly (weekly, fortnightly, monthly). This can include
- Young Adult Groups
- Fellowship Goups
- Parenting Groups

This category is not for short term "program" groups such as Alpha courses or the like that have specific life expectancy.
A category for agencies who help congregations and other groups develop mission plans, establish new mission projects, and start new congregations.
These groups also do research and stuff.
This category includes websites of networks that are affiliated with but are not necessarily formally recognised by the Uniting Church. A network is a formal group of people who have a common interest that might deliver one or more of the following activities/services: a) pastoral care and/or support for members b) publishing education, informational resources and tools in electronic, paper or broadcast format. c) organising conferences, training, events or other gatherings of people for activities related to the common interest d) political activity (not limited to but including lobbying, marketing, public & media communication) in support of the common interest
This category includes official websites of Presbyteries (district councils) in the Uniting Church.
For projects/programs/agencies that are in ministry to communities in remote areas of Australia. Has also been known as 'Frontier Services'.
This category is for primary and secondary schools who operate under the auspices of the Uniting Church in Australia.
Computers, Information Technology, Multi-media, Sound and Light Systems, Video Projectors, Photocopiers, Watering Systems, Accounting Systems, and much more... technology is definitely a part of the way of being church. This category is for:
- websites about technology and its use within the life of the church
- websites of technology providers within the church
- computer and technology resouces
This category is for website that have been established by official Uniting Church agencies only.
This category is for website that have been established by official Uniting Church agencies only.
A network of agencies of the Uniting Church in Australia that provides a range of social services to the community. This category is for agencies that are part of this network.
This category includes websites of networks that are affiliated but are not necessarily formally recognised by the Uniting Church that are involved in ministry within a tertiary education institution such as a TAFE college, intitute or university.
This category is for youth groups that are associated with the Uniting Church in Australia.
A youth group is a gathering of young people usually between the ages of 12-25.
This category is not meant for groups whose focus is on children that typical covers young people that are of infants/primary school age.
If the group is specifically for young people who are currently studying at a tertiary institution then it belongs in the category for University and College.
Websites associated with people and groups doing youth ministry within the UCA. These websites can be events, conference, mission projects/program, leadership development. This category is not intended for youth groups. If an organisation is also involved in children's ministry an entry in Children's Ministry is also permitted.