Note: Independent Rap labels may be accepted on a case by case basis. Example label has pid hosting and a top domain or free hosting and a sub domain. It is up to the editors best judgement and the quality of the website. Their are some quality independent labels with free hosting.
If you are interested in finding listings of labels which arose to promote individual work, the category for such labels is:
For companies that promote artists, and represent the independent CDs created by the artists they promote (but are not record labels for other reasons), also check out
For companies which distribute music, both through the web and to stores worldwide, check out the category
mp3 labels, and places which offer web resources for artists are listed partially under
Note: Indipendent Rap labels may be accepted on a case by case basis. Example label has pid hosting and a top domain or free hosting and a sub domain. It is up to the editors best judgement and the quality of the website. Their are some quality indipendent labels with free hosting.
If you are interested in finding listings of labels which arose to promote individual work, the category for such labels is:
For companies that promote artists, and represent the independent CDs created by the artists they promote (but are not record labels for other reasons), also check out
For companies which distribute music, both through the web and to stores worldwide, check out the category
mp3 labels, and places which offer web resources for artists are listed partially under