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Information pertaining to Christian Social Activism.

The concept of a personal Creator who remains interested in the creatures He has made is a fundamental concept of theism and Christianity in particular.

This category is for sites with content that examines the issue of origins from the framework of a world view that includes a Creator, as opposed to the evolutionist/naturalist view that our present world and all that is in it evolved by chance and natural selection through billions of years.

Only online books should be submitted.

more information (editors only)

This category is about churches and ministries dealing with and dialoguing over the issues that have come to the Christian faith as we have moved to a postmodern world.
Please ensure that the sites that you are submitting deal with the Christian church and its engagement with the postmodern world.
Sites listed here deal only with the defining of a Christian prophecy, not the interpretation or application of a prophecy. A prophecy is the declaration of a prophet made under the inspiration of God verbally or in recorded form. According to the various doctrinal views the meaning of prophecy can range from only non-predictive about the present conditions or issues at hand to a combination of non-predictive and predictive.
Interpretations or applications of such prophecies shall be listed in the correct sub category here or elsewhere in the ODP according to them most defining issue contained. Non Christian prophecies should be listed in the appropriate categories of Religion_and_Spirituality.