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Practices and customs in Christianity; traditional and innovative. All religions -- including Christianity -- undertake certain repeated behaviors that are conducive to a "spiritual" life. For Christianity, if this repeated behavior leads the person or group to the deity, it is a religious practice. Typically, one would consider meditation and prayer to be obvious practices of the religious life. Practices can also be much more varied. Many people have found that creative outlets like singing and painting can be an inspiring Christian practice that allows deep communication with the divinity. Other practices can seem mundane on the surface. One might make a spiritual practice of washing the dishes or flossing one's teeth! Happy practicing!
Sites about Celtic Christianity, past and present.
This category is for groups which are specifically Christian. To keep the directory useful, neo-pagan, new age, and other groups should apply to more appropriate categories. Similarly, groups for which "Celtic-ness" is not a central feature might more logically be listed elsewhere.
Sabbatarianism is the belief that the Old Testament law of the Sabbath applies to Christians. Beyond consecrating one day of the week to the worship of God and refraining from "servile" labor, sabbatarians insist that Christians should also abstain from commerce and secular amusements on the Sabbath. Sabbatarianism applies to either a Saturday or Sunday Sabbath. Insofar as sabbatarians seek to enshrine their religious convictions in law, Sabbatarianism has implications for Church-State relations, e.g. in the form of blue laws.
Sites submitted here should be about the question of whether the Sabbath law of the Old Testament applies to Christians. They may be either for or against, but must be from a Christian perpective.

Bible studies on the Sabbath should be submitted to Christianity: Bible: Bible Study: By Topic: Sabbath.

Sabbatarian denominational sites should be submitted to Christianity: Denominations.

Sites dealing with the interaction of Sabbatarianism and secular law should be submitted to Society: Issues: Church-State Relations.

A few small Christian sects practice the handling of poisonous snakes in the belief that they will be protected against harm. The willingness to place themselves in such apparent danger is seen as an important element of their faith. Such beliefs may be based on these Bible verses from the Gospels. The Gospel According to Mark 16:17-18 "And these signs shall accompany them that believe: in my name shall they cast out demons; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall in no wise hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." The Gospel According to Luke 10:19 "Behold, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall in any wise hurt you."
Spiritual direction is a voluntary personal relationship. It is initiated by a person seeking spiritual growth. The director is not a boss, but a companion and mentor in the spiritual life.