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Information on Christian theologians of the Middle Ages, including Byzantine theology and Renaissance humanism. For the West, this includes theologians after Gregory the Great (d. 604) but before the Reformation. For the Christian East, the Byzantine period begins with theologians after John Damascene (d. circa 750).
Sites relevant to Alexander of Hales, a Franciscan and Scholastic theologian who died in 1245.
Sites dedicated to Gabriel Biel, Scholastic, nominalist, and first professor of theology at Tübingen, d. 1495.
Durandus of Saint-Pourçain was a fourteenth-century French Dominican philosopher and theologian. He was a nominalist.
Sites related to Jean Gerson, chancellor of the University of Paris, active in the argument over conciliarism, and a writer of mystical theology, d. 1429.
Sites dedicated to Hugh of Saint-Victor, a theologian, philosopher, and mystical writer of the twelfth century.
Jan Hus (John Hus, Jan Huss, John Huss), circa 1369-1415, a Bohemian reformer strongly influenced by John Wycliffe. Hus was condemned by the Council of Constance and burned at the stake.
Information on Nicholas of Cusa, fifteenth-century German philosopher, churchman, writer of mystical theology.
Sites related to Nicholas of Lyra (1270-1340), a Franciscan exegete whose Postillae (commentaries on Scripture) were second in popularity only to the Glossa ordinaria. Nicholas contended that the literal sense of Scripture, including the author's intent, must be the foundation for any spiritual interpretation.
Sites related to Italian theologian Peter Lombard, best known for his "Sentences." He died in about 1160.