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"Satanism" began its life as an imaginary category -- a delusion of the masses. In many cultures there is a paranoid suspicion that somewhere, a class of evil magicians is plotting wrack and run for the good law-abiding folk. In European culture of the second Christian millennium, this became the witch craze. It was believed that society had been infiltrated by a group of people serving Satan, the ultimate enemy, who cast malevolent spells out of sheer love of evil. This exactly parallels delusions in many other cultures, though the central authority and relatively advanced technology allowed this delusion to express itself more thoroughly in Europe than it ever could in tribal and other premodern groups. As the second Christian millennium drew to a close in the 18th and 19th centuries, irony and sarcasm became common modes of expression in intellectual culture. Participants in this trend sometimes went so far as to invert the enemy status of Satan or "the devil" and to see some good in him. What became known as the "Satanic school" in literature sometimes used Satan as an example of virtues that Christianity denied, such as pride and lust, which were reinterpreted as positive attributes. Often this was combined with a Romanticism or neo-Classicalism which sought to restore pagan virtues. When occultism began to expand in the mid-19th century, and in partial response to the "Satanic school," dualistic views of Satan became common in the occult world. Eliphas Levi saw some good in the figure of Satan, which he identified with the forces of "generation," a euphemism for sex. The Golden Dawn also came to see Satan or the devil as a necessary counterpoint to God. Aleister Crowley embraced this trend more thoroughly, identifying Satan with one of his primary deities, Hadit. Jules Michelet's speculative work re-examined the witch craze in a partially redeemed light as a real movement of Satanists. In popular culture, the "Satanic school" turned into the decadent movement, examplified by Swinburne and Baudelaire. In the 1960's, Anton LaVey became the most popular overt Satanist in history with his bestselling "Satanic Bible." Part religion and part joke, his movement never attained much in membership numbers but reached broad informal support through his books. He derived his system from anti-clerical literary Satanism and anti-Christian occultism, and his system has become the progenitor of a number of less well-known movements in the decades since. Probably the best known of these so far has been the breakaway Temple of Set, which eventually ceased to refer to itself as Satanic, while still cultivating its inheritance from LaVey's Church of Satan. Modern Satanic movements tend towards the libertarian/elitist end of the political spectrum, practice magical rituals in which traditionally demonized figures are treated with respect and sometimes adoration (often without literal belief in their existence), and employ a humanistic philosophical framework that emphasizes the pre-eminence of Earth and Man over Heaven and God. They are related to a broader and more diffuse movement sometimes known as Dark Paths, which embraces other night-side forms of occultism such as Chaos Magic and the modern Goth and Vampire subcultures.
Only chats, forums, message boards, email lists and similar communications of a Satanic nature will be added. They must have a predominant Satanic content.
Chats, forums, message boards, email lists and similar communications of a Satanic nature. All forms of Satanism are represented.
Only chats, forums, message boards, email lists and similar communications of a Satanic nature will be added. They must have a predominant Satanic content.
This directory is for pages that reflect the ideas and philosophies set forth by the late High Priest Anton LaVey and his organization, the Church of Satan, and pages that are about the Church of Satan.
Demonolatry is defined literally as "the worship of demons". There are both Traditional and Modern Demonolators. Traditional Demonolators believe in demons as entities in their own right; Modern Demonolators tend to believe that demons are representations of their own subconscious.
Content related to the study or belief in demons.
Modern Satanism is probably the widest-spread of the Satanic denominations, and also the biggest "bone of contention" amongst the others. Modernists do not worship Satan as a god or deity; theistically, they are atheists. They believe in neither a god nor a devil. Modern Satanists can be roughly defined in three categories: Naturalist The Naturalists view Satan as the natural force of the universe, the "underlying current" of nature. The power which makes trees grow, earthquakes shatter, stars form and die....all these, the raw energy of "What Is," is Satan. As such it has no good or bad side in and of itself; it is everything. But, it is not intelligent or self-aware. Just like electricity or windpower, it exists without consciousness, but may be tapped by the conscious user (magician). This is the basis of Modern Satanic magick: that by training oneself to "tap into" this force -- Satan -- one may subtly warp reality into a form more advantageous to ones desires. However, it is not an external godhead or force which enables you to accomplish this; it is the force of your own willpower and emotions, exerting a "draw" on the Satan, attracting it to you so that you can "mold" it into a more suitable shape. Psychologic The Psychologic viewpoint centers around Satan as being the primordial side of the human psyche which the majority of humanity seeks to control and eliminate, instead of accepting and utilizing. The Freudian id, the Jungian shadow, the "animal within" -- these are perhaps the best parallels to the 'Satanic self' which the Psychologic view of Modern Satanism desires to seek out and liberate. Symbolist The Symbolists view Satan as a mental/mythic archetype, as the "Adversary" or the "Light-bringer." As such, the figure of Satan as an anthropomorphic being is completely fictional: he does not exist as such. However, the mental conception of the figure draws us to him. We identify with him, respect him, admire him, even as a fictional character. The archetype or mythic figure embodies a lot of what Symbolists consider important and good qualities. Some of them may include pride, independence, free-will, intelligence, knowledge, truthfulness, and ambition. The exact list will vary on who you ask. The qualities of the archetype may be draw from various sources, such as the Christian Bible, Milton's Paradise Lost, the Apocrypha, The Satanic Bible, and personal experience or thought. For some, the admirable qualities may include destruction, cruelty, hatred -- it truly depends on what the individual Satanist sees as "desirable" and "undesirable," or as "admirable" and "inadmirable." Again, he Symbolists do not worship Satan-Lucifer, or acknowledge his literal existence, but view him as a mythic figure much like Peter Pan, Uncle Sam, Zeus, or King Midas.
Please only submit Modern Satanic sites. Sites with cross movement content should be submitted in Satanism or an appropriate general area under Satanism.
For any Satanic group, grotto, church or coven which is not directly affiliated with the Church of Satan or exclusively a Traditional Satanic ogranization. These two types belong in other categories.
Please submit Satanic groups, grottos, churches or covens which are Modern in tradition or a combination of Modern and Traditional.

No Church of Satan or purely Traditional groups please.

Personal pages of Satanists of any tradition.
Only pages of Satanists with some Satanic content will be allowed here.
Websites that sell products that are dominantly aimed at Satanists
Theistic Satanists are those Satanists who believe in Satan as a literal existent being, whether human, spirit, alien, or god. Sometimes Satan is viewed as a friend -- a comrade, a fellow being which is an equal to be befriended just like any other person or being. Sometimes Satan is seen as an superior being, but not necessarily THE most superior being, who should be respected for the power s/he has. Sometimes s/he is seen as the supreme creator of all things; sometimes s/he is seen as BEING all things, the divinity inherent in All. Regardless of what the Traditional Satanist defines him/her as, the commonality therein is that Satan is a definable (if vaguely) external force which has an existence and usually consciousness in and of itself. This may or may not be an active consciousness, but is a consciousness of some sort.
Only websites that deal with Satan as an actual entity for worship or reverence. The content for this must be the majority or main focus of the website.