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Submit only those sites that are related to Conservative synagogues in Canada. Use the following format for the title:Name_of_Synagogue: City_Country Write a brief description about what the site offers.
The Conservative movement of Judaism, the second largest Jewish denomination, has its largest presence in the United States. Synagogues are the centers of a diverse spectrum of independent Conservative communities; in the United States there are over five hundred. Since the Conservative Movement is both a religious and organizational entity, affiliation with the Conservative Movement requires adherence to certain guidelines as set by the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism.
This category is for synagogues officially affiliated with Conservative Judaism, which means they must be a member of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (see category description). Please submit Unaffiliated sites under Unaffiliated Synagogues. Since synagogues are both related to Judaism as a subject and the particular localities in which they are found, please also list each synagogue in their respective localities.