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Sorting Pagan Paths into subcategories. Pagan Paths are types of beliefs, faiths, groups, etc.
Asatru is a living religion, currently practiced by a growing number of people across the globe. Asatru is separate from, and not connected to, any other religious faith (although there may be superficial similarities in some respects). Asatru philosophy recognizes courage, honor, honesty, hospitality, self-reliance and taking responsibility for one's own actions, industriousness, perseverance, justice (including an innate sense of fairness and respect for others), loyalty to one's friends and community, and a willingness to stand up for what is right and faith in one's self and the deities as being virtues to strive for.
Please submit to the proper subcategory accoring to the geographic location of the kindred.
This category covers the rediscovery and revival of the faith of the ancient Celtic peoples.
CUUPs (Covenant of Universalist Unitarian Pagans) "is an organization dedicated to networking Pagan-identified Unitarian Universalists (UUs), educating people about Paganism, promoting interfaith dialogue, developing Pagan liturgies and theologies, and supporting Pagan-identified UU religious professionals." ~quoted from

Please only submit sites for CUUPs chapters, which are distinct in nature as being similar to the broadest definition of ''coven.''

For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:

Title: Name of Site or Chapter

Description: This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site without the use of hype, personal pronouns, or repetitive terms. If you want people to know your location, please include your city and state in the description.

Pagan Paths which focus on the Goddess, one or several.
Hellenic paganism, or more correctly Hellênismos (Hellenic polytheism), is the worship of the pre-Galilean deities of the Aegean and Mediterranean by people identifying closely with the ethnic spirituality of Hellenic speakers found in the geographic region and surrounding areas. The worship of such Gods include the core pantheon often referred to as the dôdekatheoi (The Twelve Gods) who are the focus of devotion such as Zeus, Athena, Apollon, Artemis, Aphrodite, Hera, Hestia, Dionysos, Hephaistos, Poseidon, Hermes, Demeter, etc. Deities can be worshipped according to the orientation of a worshippers beliefs and/or needs - one does not have to believe in all the Gods. However, Gods such as Mithras, Isis, and others of later antiquity are not normally considered part of the Hellenic pantheon even though they were highly "Hellenized" after the eastern conquests of Alexander the Great. Hellenic temples are the homes in which the Gods visit but are not like churches as congregations are held at the outside front altar not inside. Most Hellenic polytheists utilise shrines and altars as temples are costly to construct. The trend in modern Hellênismos is towards unifying disparate groups under a common clerical structure and a sharing of resources to an authentic reconstructive set of practices. Hellenic polytheists have almost always felt isolated from the current pagan revival and for good reason. For the most part Hellenic polytheists are neither wiccans, witches, ceremonial magicians or new age spiritualists rather people seeking wisdom and enlightenment in the historical recreation of a path in which we have one of the largest corpus of archaeological and textual evidence for any theological system.
Please submit sites only dealing with Hellênismos in this category. Sites dealing with Atheism, Jehovah, Allah, Jesus, etc. should be submitted elsewhere in their own appropriate categories, even if there is a passing mention of the ancient Hellenic world. Dmoz also has an extensive wicca category. Sites dealing with Roman practices should be submitted in the Religio Romana category. We aim for quality not just quantity.
The modern practice of the ancient Egyptian religion(s).
The modern practice of the old Mesopotamian religions.
The Religio Romana is the pre-Christian religion of Rome. Sometimes called "Roman Paganism", modern practice the Religio Romana is an attempt to reconstruct the ancient faith of Rome as closely as possible, making as few concessions to modern sensibilities as possible.
Italian language sites should be submitted to the Italian language category.
Romuva celebrates the Ethnic or Old Religion of the Lithuanians. This religion has very ancient roots and many international links. It was the national and state religion of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania until 1387. It is very closely kindred to Latvian Ethnic Religion known as Dievturi (which means "Bearing God Dievas"). It is also similarly related to the religion of the Old Prussians, and other Baltic peoples.
All about the native pre-Christian religion of the ancient Slavs.
Only for sites on ancient Slavic religion! No Orthodox Christianity, Baltic or German paganism!

more information (editors only)

This category covers Stregheria, or La Vecchia Religione, the Old Religion, or traditional Italian Witchcraft. In the broadest terms, it includes traditional Strega, the Aridian Tradition founded by Raven Grimassi in 1981, and any traditions that identify themselves as Strega and are derived from Italian witchcraft.
Please submit all Italian language sites to the Italian langauge category at World/Italiano/Societ�/Religione_e_Spiritualit�/Paganesimo.
Pre-Gardnerian family traditional Witchcraft.

To avoid delay in listing, please review prior to submission.

Submit websites once to the most relevant category. Multiple submissions or careless submissions will slow the process. Review the sub-categories to find the most appropriate category for submissions. Find the lowest level category appropriate to the site being submitted. Sites under construction will not be listed and submissions will be deleted.

Descriptions should include specific information of the unique qualities and features of the site contents. Avoid advertising hype, overuse of capitalization, and emphatic punctuation. Do use the English language, proper grammar, and a spell-checker.

Affiliate sites, multiple URL''s for the same organization, and mirror sites are not desirable.

The ODP reserves the right to alter or replace a proposed description at any time at its sole discretion and editorial judgment.

Non-English sites should be submitted to the proper language in World. Non-English sites will NOT be listed anywhere in the category.

ALL submitted sites must pertain to Pre-Gardernian, Family Trad, or Traditional Witchcraft, NOT wicca.

Wicca is an Earth based Pagan religion. Most Wiccans honor the Goddess as well as the God energy. There are many Wiccan traditions which have different beliefs. Overall, Wiccans strongly care for and nurture the Earth. They also have a sense of history and the people who lived it. This category is for resources, articles, studies and personal experiences with the rituals, beliefs, history and science of Wicca. Please list specific traditions in the Traditions category. Merry Meet and Blessed Be.
This category is for resources, articles, studies and personal experiences with the rituals, beliefs, history and science of Wicca. Please list specific traditions first in the Traditions category instead of Covens, Organizations or other subcategories.