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Wicca is an Earth based Pagan religion. Most Wiccans honor the Goddess as well as the God energy. There are many Wiccan traditions which have different beliefs. Overall, Wiccans strongly care for and nurture the Earth. They also have a sense of history and the people who lived it. This category is for resources, articles, studies and personal experiences with the rituals, beliefs, history and science of Wicca. Please list specific traditions in the Traditions category. Merry Meet and Blessed Be.
This category is for resources, articles, studies and personal experiences with the rituals, beliefs, history and science of Wicca. Please list specific traditions first in the Traditions category instead of Covens, Organizations or other subcategories.
For sites bringing together Wiccans on the Internet, including message boards, chat rooms, mailing lists, webrings and other ways to meet other Wiccans on the net.
For sites bringing together Wiccans on the Internet, including message boards, chat rooms, mailing lists, webrings and other ways to meet other Wiccans on the net.
Listings of covens, which may be defined as follows: A group of people, gathering to share information, perform rituals, inspire poetry, worship the Deity in many Aspects or teach. May also be called temple, grove, gathering, tribe, or other such unusual listings.
This category is an appropriate place to submit a listing for a physical gathering of people who share information, perform rituals, inspire poetry, worship the Deity in many Aspects or teach. The word coven is a ''shorthand'' and such groups may also be called temples, groves, tribes, or other such unusual listings.

If your group''s primary means of communication is via the Internet or WWW, please list your non physical coven under ''Virtual Covens'' instead of here.

Wiccan publications and news with a regional or cross-traditional focus. Publications and news which deal with, or are restricted to, a single tradition may be found listed under the relevant tradition.
Magazines, newsletters, e-zines, journals and news items. Wiccan publications or news with a regional or cross-traditional focus. Publications or news which deal with, or are restricted to, a single tradition may be found listed under the relevant tradition.
A Book of Shadows is the personal work of each Witch/Pagan. Sites listed here should be heavy on content including articles, studies and personal experiences with the rituals, beliefs, history and science of Wicca.

Books of Shadows not heavy on content should be listed under Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Pagan/Wicca/Personal_Pages/

Please list specific traditions in the Traditions category.

Sites submitted here should be primarily NON-commercial.

Articles, studies and personal experiences with the rituals, beliefs, history and science of Wicca. Please list specific traditions in the Traditions category.
The sites within this category are the personal Web pages of individual practitioners. Many of these sites contain helpful information for those just beginning upon the path. Please keep an open mind while viewing these sites, and realize that the information contained within these sites can be personalized to your own tradition(s)/use.
Please submit only sites which deal specifically with Wiccan beliefs. No traditional witchcraft or neo-pagan sites. Also, please do not submit sites that are still under construction. Sites that are continuously updated on a regular basis are acceptable.
Wiccan groups sorted by location. This does not include specific traditions or covens. Those are listed in the Traditions and Covens categories.
This category is an appropriate place to submit a listing which relates to a particular Wiccan Tradition rather than general Wiccan information.
Please submit coven listings directly to appropriate sub-categories. We define "coven" as a physical gathering of people who share information, perform rituals, inspire poetry, worship the Deity in many Aspects or teach. The word coven is a ''shorthand'' and such groups may also be called temples, groves, tribes, or other such unusual listings. Please list your virtual coven under ''Virtual Covens'' instead of here.