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Congregations and resources in this category are Unitarian, Universalist, and/or Unitarian Universalist. Unitarianism historically developed from a critique of the Trinity as non-Biblical, and from a critique of the doctrine of original sin. In the 16th century belief in a unity of God (not a Trinity) and a single, human nature (not dual or divine nature) of Jesus led to the creation of Unitarian churches in Transylvania (Romania and Hungary) and in Poland. In the US and Great Britain the Unitarian Associations were both founded in 1825. Universalism is a religious faith incorporating many tenets of Christianity, but not exclusively Christian. It believes in universal salvation, or, as it is now generally stated, in the eternal progress of all souls. In the United States the Universalist movement was organized in 1793. The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) represents the interests of more than one thousand Unitarian Universalist congregations throughout North America. It was formed in 1961 by the merger of the Universalist Church of America and the American Unitarian Association.
Societies which are in association with the Unitarian Universalist Association. To help searchers find congregations in a particular area, the title of each entry should begin with the municipal location. Each description should, where possible, include a quotation from the site which gives a sense of the "spirit of this church," optionally followed by a disinterested, unemotional, accurate, and brief description of what the site has to offer.
Resources for UU Ministers and for those interested in UU Ministry and its preparation.
Organizations and groups affiliated with Unitarian Universalism (the Unitarian Universalist Association). Some are official Affiliated Organizations of the UUA; others are not officially connected with the UUA. Check to see if there's a better category under Unitarian Universalism first -- regional organizations, for instance, are in their own category.
Sites, including weblogs, by individual Unitarians, Universalists, or Unitarian Universalists.
A listing of Unitarian Universalist publications, both print and online.
Resources for creating and leading worship in Unitarian Universalist communities or in UU homes.
This category for contemporary sermons by Ministers in Fellowship with the UUA or for ministers serving member congregations of the UUA.