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Sites about baseball in general.
Sites listed here have a broad interest to baseball as a whole at this level. 99.9% of Baseball sites should be listed at a deeper level than this. For sites dedicated to particular leagues, teams, or players, please find a more specific category and submit there. If your site should be listed at this level, submit to a deeper level, and if it qualifies to be listed here, we will move it up to this level and list it.
Amateur baseball resources of national, local, or international scope, including general information, leagues, teams, and major tournaments.
Sites for professional leagues are not appropriate. Please submit them to the appropriate sports category. Sites for youth (18 and under) teams and leagues should be submitted to the appropriate subcategory of Sports/Baseball/Youth
Directories, link lists and search engines that encompass all of baseball, not just one specific element.
Sites will be accepted into this category if they are a directory, link list or search engine that extensively encompasses all of baseball and they do not fit into a more appropriate category.
A collection of high quality baseball sites made by fans, for fans.
If your site is focused on an individual player or team, please submit to the category for that player or team.
Sites of or relating to high school or equivalent secondary-school level baseball and baseball teams.
Submit sites here consisting of high school baseball in general or high school baseball teams. Submit sites exclusively for a player or players to the Players subcategory. If the site also includes general Youth Baseball Information, submit to Sports/Baseball/Youth instead.
Pages dedicated to preserving the history of baseball. Pages could be devoted to a player, a team, or a league -- or any combination of the three. The common theme is remembering the teams and players of the past.
This category is for FREE SERVICES and INFORMATION. If you have a commercial book, software, camp or clinic please submit to one of the following: Shopping/Sports/Baseball/Coaching_and_Instruction/ Shopping/Sports/Baseball/Equipment/Training/ Shopping/Sports/Software/Baseball/ Sports/People/Training/Camps/
This category is for FREE SERVICES and INFORMATION.

If you have a commercial book, software, camp or clinic please submit to one of the following:





Baseball organizations outside of the major/minor league system. This includes international amateur play as well as significant leagues or organizations outside the US.
Sites about Major League Baseball, in general.
Please submit only websites of broad interest to MLB at this level. For sites dedicated to particular teams or players, find a more specific category and submit there. Submissions at this level may take longer to be reviewed.

Webpages offering merchandise or tickets for sale, fantasy leagues or gambling related information will not be listed here. See Baseball for a more appropriate category.

This category is for websites dealing with professional minor league baseball.
This category is a list of all the professional minor leagues that are listed in the Open Directory Project. Please submit your website to the appropriate league''s category.
News is information about recent events or happenings, especially as reported by newspapers, periodicals, radio, or television. It is also a presentation of such information, as in a newspaper or on a newscast. Media is transmissions that are disseminated widely to the public. Sites that pertain specifically to baseball, as well as meet at least one of the two above descriptions are placed in this category.
Please submit sites that are related to Baseball Officiating only..... Thanks
This category holds together the subcategories for Players, Management, Sportscasters, and other baseball-related people. Please submit names to the individual categories.
Please do not submit names of individuals to this category unless they do not fit an existing category. General sites about the people of baseball and their interaction are welcomed here.
Sabermetrics comes from the acronym for the Society for American Baseball Research, SABR. Sabermetrics is the statistical study of baseball; techniques of probability and statistics are used to discern real trends in baseball [for example, the qualities of hitters] from those that just seem to happen [for example, the quality of a player to "hit in the clutch"]. As such, sabermetrics is an oft-debated field of study.
Please feel free to submit any site that studies baseball from a statistical point of view.
Sites about youth baseball in general.
Sites listed here have a broad interest to baseball as a whole at this level. 99.9% of Baseball sites should be listed at a deeper level than this. For sites dedicated to particular leagues, teams, or players, please find a more specific category and submit there. If your site should be listed at this level, submit to a deeper level, and if it qualifies to be listed here, we will move it up to this level and list it.