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Covers the history of American football, such as its evolution from a club sport in the late 19th into the early 20th century, as well as defunct leagues and teams.
Sites pertaining to the history of a specific league or to College football should be submitted to the appropriate subcategory.

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NFL Europa was founded in 1991 as the World League of American Football with ten teams in Europe and North America. It was suspended after the 1992 season. In 1995 it was restarted as a Europe-only league. It consisted of the original three European Teams from the WLAF (London Monarchs, Frankfurt Galaxy, Barcelona Dragons) and three new teams (Amsterdam Admirals, Rhein Fire, Scottish Claymores). Several teams have folded since then, but they have each been replaced. As of the 2005 season, five of the six teams are in Germany, with the sixth being the Amsterdam Admirals. In 1998 the league was renamed to NFL Europe. The league name was changed again, to NFL Europa, in 2006. After the 2007 season, in spite of strong attendance numbers, the NFL folded the league.
Please only suggest English-language sites to this category. Non-English sites should be suggested to the appropriate language under World.
The United States Football League was a professional football league that played from 1983 to 1985. It initially held its games in the Spring, but was planning to change to an Autumn schedule when it folded.
Sites about the USFL or its member teams can be submitted here.


The World Football League (WFL) was a professional football league that played in 1974 and part of 1975 before folding due to financial difficulties.
All sites that deal primarily with the WFL and its member teams can be submitted here.


The XFL was a joint venture between NBC and the World Wrestling Federation. It was a spring league and only played one season in 2001 before folding.