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This category is for schools as well as training and instructional programs which are of a general aspect to Jiu Jitsu.
Please submit only schools that teach a specific Jiujitsu style for which no category exists or more than one style of Jiu Jitsu/Jujutsu.
This category contains sites about dojos in Asia.

Websites in this category must be in English. If there is a sub-category for the country or region in which your dojo is located, please submit to most specific applicable category.

The ODP does not list redirection or vanity urls. Please submit the url of your webpage''s server only.

Guidelines for submitting sites:

  • Do not type in capitals nor capitalize all nouns.
  • Please refrain from all hype, superlatives, or sales pitches. Any such content will be removed.
  • Submit to the most accurate category possible. - If you teach a range of styles, choose your main one, you will not be listed in each.
  • Please include the following unless they are inferred by the title (for example Birmingham Ju Jitsu Club does not need to state that it is located in Birmingham)
    • Affiliations - eg. The Jitsu Foundation (TJF), World Ju Jitsu Federation (WJJF), Kempo Jujitsu Association - Please do not only use an acronym.
    • Style
    • location
    • general description - please do not include hype

more information (editors only)

This category contains sites about dojos in the Middle East.
This category contains sites about dojos in Oceania.