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Goju Ryu, meaning "hard/soft style", was founded by Chojun Miyagi some time in the 1920's. There are three major splits of Goju Ryu. They are Okinawan (Miyagi/Meitoku Yagi), Japanese (Miyagi/Gogen Yamaguchi) and USA (Miyagi/Yamaguchi/Peter Urban). Besides Goju Ryu, other common names to the style are Goju Kai and Chinese Goju.
Please submit only sites with information on Goju Ryu that has a world wide interest here. If the web site is for an organization, or a school, please choose an appropriate sub-category.
This category is for Goju Ryu organizations, federations, and associations.
Please submit only sites that are for Goju Ryu organizations not schools. An organization would be an administrative resource for coordination of resources for a group.
Includes schools as well as training and instructional programs for Goju Ryu Karate.