This group was founded by Fumio Manaka, one of Masaaki Hatsumi's senior students who left the Bujinkan. From the Jinenkan headquarters website FAQ: "In the Jinenkan a strong emphasis is put on mastering the fundamentals. The basics are not just a step which one passes through on the way to learning more 'advanced' techniques. Every student is expected to keep polishing his or her basics year after year, and not forget them once the test has been passed. Also, we study the techniques as they are written, and in the order they are written in the scrolls. There are reasons why the scrolls are organized as they are, and a piecemeal approach to training can leave a person without the tools he or she needs to learn any technique well. "
The Jinenkan is a traditional, scroll-based training organization that is well-known within ninjutsu for extremely precise movement.